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Thank you both! I looked at the online course and it says that it's the first half of a 2 sememster course, but I don't see it offered as the second half? I wonder if they will eventually offer it?


Oh, another question. Should he do traditional logic first? He has only done the fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox so far.

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Thank you both! I looked at the online course and it says that it's the first half of a 2 sememster course, but I don't see it offered as the second half? I wonder if they will eventually offer it?


Oh, another question. Should he do traditional logic first? He has only done the fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox so far.


I just asked this Q. on the MP forum, and Mr. Cothran told me that a student in 9th gr. should go through TL first before tackling Rhetoric.

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My dc use Classical Rhetoric with Aristotle after completing Traditional Logic 1 & 2. I think my dd could have tackled rhetoric easily after completing TL 1. CR w/ A is written in a way that makes it easy for a student who learns easily by reading to teach themselves (it is late; I hope this makes sense. I mean an auditory learner or hands on learner might need more parental involvement.). Although CR w/ A is designed to be a one semester course (the second semester has not been made available yet) I let her spread it out over an entire school year because she had a pretty intense schedule and I thought it complimented almost all of her other classes. Since there is not a second semester I bought my dd Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. She uses this more as a reference book than a traditional text book.


When my dd received her first paper back in Eng. Comp. at the cc the teacher stopped and asked her if she had taken rhetoric already at the college. She said no and confessed that she was a hs student who had studied some rhetoric at home. After her second paper, he asked her if she would like him to sponsor her in the Honors program.

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When my dd received her first paper back in Eng. Comp. at the cc the teacher stopped and asked her if she had taken rhetoric already at the college. She said no and confessed that she was a hs student who had studied some rhetoric at home. After her second paper, he asked her if she would like him to sponsor her in the Honors program.


Wow! Great story! Good for her, and you! :001_smile:

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When my dd received her first paper back in Eng. Comp. at the cc the teacher stopped and asked her if she had taken rhetoric already at the college. She said no and confessed that she was a hs student who had studied some rhetoric at home. After her second paper, he asked her if she would like him to sponsor her in the Honors program.


Very encouraing, thanks for sharing!

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