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Intro & help! (math/TT and science questions - grade 6/7)


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Hello there! My name is Deborah and I am new...and old...to these boards. lol


When I started homeschooling my oldest child 5 years ago, we used a bunch of different programs a la WTM. I spent hours on the (old) WTM site boards, agonzing over all the programs I had to choose from for each subject. Then we switched to Calvert for two years. Now, we are ditching Calvert in favor of the more ecclectic approach and here I am again...agonizing over all the various curriculum choices!


My latest quandry is the math selection for my 6th/7th grader (ready for 7th or above in all but math, where she is more on a 6th level) -- I have been reading about Teaching Textbooks and am intrigued with the step-by-step instruction they give. I think my daughter would really benefit from it, since I have a hard time showing her some of the concepts in a clear manner (I am so not a math person!). I have been reading various posts about TT and some of them mention that the younger grades are not as good. I am looking for something that will help her solidify the basics and make math fun -- she had a hard time enjoying Calvert, which is a very traditional in approach. Have any of you used TT 6 or 7? Could it be supplemented with exta practice so that it would be a comprehensive program for 6/7 grade?


Also, any recommendations for a science program that can be used for 7th, 4th and K at the same time?


Thanks in advance for any advice you can give,


(Hawaii homeschooler, transplanted to Virginia, still enjoying the homeschooling journey :001_smile: --

proud mom to dd (11), dd (almost 8), ds (almost 5) and ds (1) )

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Well, there are probably 3 or 4 people in the world who actually DO enjoy math! ;) (My ds is one of them, he's ALWAYS liked math! That's GREAT for the kids and me!!!)


TT explains things very well! My two youngers used it this year and really enjoyed it! I'd look into TT7 for your dd possibly. Have you had her do the placement test that's on the TT site?


I'll 2nd LoF--it's been good so far for my ds14 who is working in it now.


My dd started working in Singapore 5B in May while she was finishing the TT Pre-Algebra. They seemed to compliment each other just fine. Singapore is a good program.

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Hello there! My name is Deborah and I am new...and old...to these boards. lol


When I started homeschooling my oldest child 5 years ago, we used a bunch of different programs a la WTM. I spent hours on the (old) WTM site boards, agonzing over all the programs I had to choose from for each subject. Then we switched to Calvert for two years. Now, we are ditching Calvert in favor of the more ecclectic approach and here I am again...agonizing over all the various curriculum choices!


My latest quandry is the math selection for my 6th/7th grader (ready for 7th or above in all but math, where she is more on a 6th level) -- I have been reading about Teaching Textbooks and am intrigued with the step-by-step instruction they give. I think my daughter would really benefit from it, since I have a hard time showing her some of the concepts in a clear manner (I am so not a math person!). I have been reading various posts about TT and some of them mention that the younger grades are not as good. I am looking for something that will help her solidify the basics and make math fun -- she had a hard time enjoying Calvert, which is a very traditional in approach. Have any of you used TT 6 or 7? Could it be supplemented with exta practice so that it would be a comprehensive program for 6/7 grade?


Also, any recommendations for a science program that can be used for 7th, 4th and K at the same time?


Thanks in advance for any advice you can give,


(Hawaii homeschooler, transplanted to Virginia, still enjoying the homeschooling journey :001_smile: --

proud mom to dd (11), dd (almost 8), ds (almost 5) and ds (1) )


My dd 11 is working through TT 7 this year. She's technically a 5th grader now, going into 6th. So, as for how we liked this. Well, my dd loved it at first and initially thought it was fun. So did I. However, the one issue we seem to have is that there doesn't seem to be enough review for her. TT is a spiral program. For example, we paused for a while and she worked through Life of Fred Fractions. Then, we picked it up again. She has real problems remembering how to deal with decimals, fractions, and percents. I don't know if it's the program itself or whether it's just her and I need to just stop for a while and have her master those things. In any case, she seems to struggle more with TT 7 than she did with Rod and Staff last year. Which would lead me to ask, do you think Rod and Staff is something you'd be willing to look at? I think it is one of the clearest programs out there, and believe, me I have looked at a lot. It is traditional in approach, but it's clear and understandable and there is plenty of review.


Just my thoughts...



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My dd started working in Singapore 5B in May while she was finishing the TT Pre-Algebra. They seemed to compliment each other just fine. Singapore is a good program.


Brindee -


Glad to hear that it is possible to like math! :) There is hope for my kids.


I wanted to ask -- if your dd is doing 5B along with the TT Pre-Algebra, does that mean that the TT levels are a bit "slower"? If that makes sense? I did notice that 6 and 7 go over pretty much the same things.


I showed the TT samples to my daughter and she seemed to really get excited that there would be a way for her to "see" the problems being worked out. (A skill that I often lack. lol) She likes the idea of Singapore and TT, so that is one option I am looking at.


Thanks for your insight!



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My dd 11 is working through TT 7 this year. She's technically a 5th grader now, going into 6th. So, as for how we liked this. Well, my dd loved it at first and initially thought it was fun. So did I. However, the one issue we seem to have is that there doesn't seem to be enough review for her. TT is a spiral program. For example, we paused for a while and she worked through Life of Fred Fractions. Then, we picked it up again. She has real problems remembering how to deal with decimals, fractions, and percents. I don't know if it's the program itself or whether it's just her and I need to just stop for a while and have her master those things. In any case, she seems to struggle more with TT 7 than she did with Rod and Staff last year. Which would lead me to ask, do you think Rod and Staff is something you'd be willing to look at? I think it is one of the clearest programs out there, and believe, me I have looked at a lot. It is traditional in approach, but it's clear and understandable and there is plenty of review.






I have not yet looked at R&S, but I will now! Most of the negative reviews I have read about TT is that there is not enough review, or "rigor" -- but right now I think my dd has to solidify her base and I am thinking maybe TT, along with some supplementing from another program (or even just workbooks like "Key to") may do the trick. I just want to do the right thing (or the best thing I can!) to help her have a bit more love for math than I ever did!


Thanks for your thoughts.


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Well, there are probably 3 or 4 people in the world who actually DO enjoy math! ;) (My ds is one of them, he's ALWAYS liked math! That's GREAT for the kids and me!!!)




I would say the same about liking something - it's not the same a FUN! Fun is when you're laughing and smiling over the activity - math programs don't tend to have you doing that.


LoF may get you smiling!


I wish you FUN!

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I'm a bit late joining the discussion but I just wanted to add that, for us, TT did exactly what you want: it solidified the basics and made math fun. My 6th grade dd switched from Singapore 5B to TT7 this past January; she no longer complains about math and even enjoys it on occasion. The complaints about the quality of the program for the lower grades may simply reflect that many feel the grade levels are not accurate. I agree with this assessment (TT7, imo, really covers 6th grade math; my fourth grader will probably start TT5 in the fall). However, if you understand this going in, you can adjust and proceed accordingly. It is definitely easier than Singapore but for us it is producing understanding and retention where both Singapore and Saxon failed.


We are supplementing TT over this summer with LOF and my dd is enjoying this program as well.





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It is definitely easier than Singapore but for us it is producing understanding and retention where both Singapore and Saxon failed.





Thanks for responding -- it sounds like your situation describes where we are right now and it is good to know that TT produced a good result for you. I think that is the route we will take...TT7 with some other workbooks for more practice.



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