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CLE Math ?


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I'm thinking of switching my middle dd. She's doing well with MM in that the things she knows, she *knows*. But she struggles a lot to get there and sometimes her brain needs a rest from the topic. I think she might do better with something more spiral. (we've tried a lot of math curriculum over the years, and I love MM. But we've never tried spiral. Ugh! why is this so hard! I think it'll be better for her, but what if I need to just keep plugging away at mM? She's already behind and we'd be wasting valuable time! Anyway.)


I bought the first 3 lightunits of grade 3. She's been working through the first one and likes it, but it's all pretests. Some of this stuff she hasn't had before, since we've always used mastery stuff. I didn't get a TM. What are these pretests for? Are they review of stuff learned before, or to see if you already know things they're going to teach? What should I be doing with the information once she's taken a test? Thanks.

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We're just starting with CLE. It seems most levels have the pretests through unit 1. It's to see what they may need review on from the previous levels, before moving on to new material. If she passes all the pretests, great, move ahead. If she falls short on one or more, do the additional material for that section.


If there are areas she hasn't had *any* exposure to, can you just stop and go over that, knowing there will likely be more review on it??


Starting in the 2nd LU, it's a different format. There is still some review in each section, but it starts on the new material as well.

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Really, placement is key in this program if you are not starting from the beginning. The free placement test from the CLE's website will give you more of an accurate picture of where you need to start. The first lightunit give you an idea as to where to brush up on that particular level assuming you've had a break between levels like for summer vacation and to give some review. We generally skip this one.

Edited by MyLittleBears
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Yes the first light unit is review from the last level. If they pass the pretest they can move on to the next lesson. If not, they need to do the extra work for the pretest they did not pass.


There is a free placement test on their website...here. Did you have her take that before deciding which level to buy?

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Really, the best place to begin is with the placement tests. It will give you more of an accurate picture of where you need to start. Thay are free on the CLE website. The first lightunit give you an idea as to where to brush up on that particular level assuming you've had a break between levels like for summer vacation and to give some review. We generally skip this one.


:001_smile: We must have typing at the same time.

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I think I wasted my $. Looking through the lus we have, it's all stuff she's already done in mm3A. Or stuff she hasn't done at all yet, but is covered in the rest of 3B. The s&Ss are just too different to make switching now simple. I'm going to just keep her in MM through the end of the year. Maybe we'll use these books when she needs a break. Then I'll look at the 400 level (or maybe a placement test!) for next year. Thanks for your help.

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