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Broken Rib?

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About three years ago, I broke a rib while doing martial arts (obviously, I wasn't doing them correctly). It was right on the bra line and extremely painful and uncomfortable. It eventually felt better although it occasionally 'flares' up if I over-stress that area.


Friday night, I was changing the sheets on the girls' beds and my foot caught between the mattress and frame and I lost my balance. I fell awkwardly but managed to avoid (at least) hitting my face on anything on the way down. I literally couldn't move for a few minutes. I have a number of sore areas - ankle, knee, hip, etc. I also have some pain (that comes and goes) and a LOT of discomfort on that one rib area. My right arm is numb feeling and sore (but obviously functional since I'm typing). My back is aching as well.


Is it possible that I've re-injured it? I was hoping it would feel better today, but it's actually worse. Sitting is painful, laying down is also painful. I can only get comfy in the recliner. Obviously, I'm still functioning well and doing things, but lifting and bending over is completely out.


Any thoughts? Should I see a doctor or do you think it will settle down in a few more days?

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I'd say it depends on what you usually see a Dr for...


I very (very) rarely go see a Dr for anything outside of annual checkups (and those only to get Rx!). For something such as you've described, I definitely wouldn't go. After all, even if it is broken they will likely pretty much tell you there isn't much they can do but bind it (maybe) and recommend that you take it easy. They'll probably write an Rx, too, if you want one (which I very rarely do - I have a high pain tolerance level and Aspirin or other otc are usually fine).


I'd just try to take it easy for a few days & see what happens.


Of course, if it is severely broken & a rib punctures something then THAT sucks - but I'd think you'd be able to determine if it were THAT broken... :)

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