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May I SCREAM?!?!?

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There, I feel so much better!


The kids have been without insurance since DH switched jobs back in October. The new plan went into effect March 1. The girls both desperately need to see the audiologist as both of their ear molds are over a year old and typically at their ages 6 months or so is considered doing pretty good because of growing ears. Since the new plan requires a referral to a new audiologist by the New PCP (yes, we are having to switch to all new providers which was already stressful for me) I made an appointment for the girls as soon as we had plan information and I did the online enrollment, choosing the docs, etc. I also called the doctor, made sure they were accepting new patients, told them what plan we were on and made sure they could see my kids. The girls both have appointments for 8:30 am Monday morning. Today I check the mail as soon as we get home at 5:15 pm and our new cards have finally arrived - listing a different PCP for all the kids than the one I picked! And the insurance plan office closed at 5:00! There is nothing I can do until Monday morning, which means I will be tying to get through to a live person at an insurance company at the same time I am trying to get two kids to a doctor's appointment that we may or may not be able to keep. :p


Oh, and did I mention that the PCP they did assign us has horrible online reviews, saying she is short and won't take time to answer questions (from several different reviewers). She also has a foreign name so I called to ask if she has an accent; her own staff said she talks very fast and English is her second language. With my hearing loss, all of the above are deal breakers for me; I have to have a care provider I can understand and willing to take the time to communicate.


It has already been a blah week and now I will be stressing about this all weekend! Sorry for the rant - thanks for giving me a place to do it!

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Yuck, that sounds worse than government insurance. We had foster kids on Medicaid, and it was a nightmare getting docs changed, the best meds (they always wanted to start with the cheapest, not the best). I would be very annoyed if I had to pay out of pocket for insurance that is already treating you like that. Scream away!

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Oh, boo! I'm sorry they did this to you. :glare:


My dad has hearing loss and doesn't use hearing aids. My mom has to go with him to all his appointments. The first thing she does is explain to the doctor that he needs to slow down and speak clearly TO my dad.


:grouphug: I hope you are able to find some way to relax this weekend.

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:glare: I hope you don't have any issues getting the referral from PCP. My friends pcp did not get that ear mold need at least every 4 months for her dd.

Personal I would use the insurance hearing impaired line and explain that English as a first language is a must. Most the time people that take those calls have more training on hearing loss and communication.

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