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Tapestry of Grace Year 2


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Ok, we've been using TOG for 3 years. Began in Year 3, completed 4 and now finishing up 1. Looking ahead to Year 2, I have some reservations due to the Reformed worldview of the authors. Not looking to start a discussion on doctrine, just wondering if any of you who've worked through Year 2 and you are not Reformed, was the doctrine an issue? Don't mind discussing differences with my teens, but I don't want Reformed questions answered from Reformed books and an Reformed discussion to boot.


Grace to you!


Thanks in advance,

Teresa in NC

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We just wrapped up the reformation section. I think it was only 3 or 4 weeks. Perhaps you could skip it, or get completely different history books that offer a different perspective during that time period. But. . .especially for grammar students, it may just be easier to skip it if it's not a key point in history based on your religious views. Or, like FlyingMom and Renaissance Mom, maybe it's not even enough of an issue that you have to worry too much.


One of the things that has come up repeatedly for us over Year 1 and 2 is the concept that people sin and so corruption works into religion no matter what. It has since the beginning. We've seen it since creation and all through year 1. So my kids have noticed that theme, and haven't taken it as one particular stream of Judaism or Christianity is all bad because of it. They've just seen it as a theme in human sin nature throughout history. My kids seem to have gained an appreciation for Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, and now Lutheranism after the history we've learned. They haven't taken the history information and geared it toward being judgmental toward a certain doctrine because, like I said initially, all of these conflicts in the Church throughout history just show man's sin and need for Christ. They don't prove one doctrine is right or wrong. So I think it will be ok. Just my thoughts. :-)

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Thank you all for taking time out of your lives to reply. My reservations began when looking at D/R books. There are several concerning reviews about the Worldview books for these levels. Not doctrinal issues, just plain errors. For example: "the author said 'Jesus chose to begin by joining a new movement in the Judean wilderness led by a prophet name John.'" Further:


Also it stated on page 7 Jesus 'feared that His cures would be misinterpreted, and that people would see him as just another magician..."


Next on pp. 8-9 "Jesus knew that he had a unique role in God's plan of redemtion, be he feared the traditional titles for a messianic redeemer." Jesus was God's plan of redemption and Jesus didn't fear anything man could do.


I want to be sure to get a balanced perspective on these resources before going further. Perhaps these issues have been addressed???


Grace and peace be multiplied to you,


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I haven't started TOG yet (but have bought it just to play with until my kids are bigger!) but those quotes you gave ARE very concerning. I would either not give that book to my kids OR use it as a springboard to serious discussion about what the author believes and how that lines up with scripture.

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