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Suggestions for Science for 8th Grade


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We used Apologia Gen Science for 7th Grade. My son and I both liked it, but I don't feel like he has retained what he learned very well and it is only one month in to summer break. He didn't feel like he did well on the Science part of the Stanford Achievement Test this year either, but he don't have the scores back yet. What are some other options for 8th Grade Science besides Abeka or Bob Jones. He is interested in going into the medical field so I want a strong science program. thanks, michelle

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then why not try to brainstorm ways to study that will help him retain the information? After all, just switching curriculum may not help with retention if what is really needed is some guidance on study skills.


Some things we've done:


I'll read the text as if I was the "teacher" and tell him what he needs to write down.


We review/I quiz him on all his written notes from prior days' reading every day. (Sometimes this is before we read together. Some days he likes to read on his own, so we do this after.)


We do all the "On Your Own" questions orally, but I have him explain his answer.


I look through the Study Guide questions 2-3 times a week and orally quiz him on the ones he *should* know.


For next year (physical science), there are "module summaries" in the back of the book. They are summary paragraphs with blanks to fill in. They suggest writing out the paragraphs, we'll probably do these orally.


Oh, sometimes I create "study sheets" for him to fill out while he's reading. This way he knows what's important to take notes on and what's not. (That is something I think is harder than we parents know - after all, we already *know* what's important, so it *looks* important to us. But, when you're just learning it for the first time ---- sorry, I'm off the soap box, now!)


I realize Apologia is supposed to be an "independent" study type of science. But, these things have *greatly* increased my ds's understanding and enjoyment.


Best wishes!


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I did most of the things you mentioned this year. I learned a great deal of science myself. It was pretty time consuming for me, not that I mind but I have other children also. I was so glad to hear you say that this was neccessary for some as I was feeling like something was wrong with my son that he needed me to do all of this, with a program that was supposed to be student driven. Good points. We may plug along with Physical Science then. I do like the program.

THanks again,


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I have the impression that it is a little scattered, and that kids often have a hard time getting used to the style and the amount of content.


They do have CD's of the lectures, so if your child is an audio learner he might like that kind of review.


I would stop and think what kind of review would work for his learning style.

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