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Similar to Saxon but not!


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Is there any math resources out there that is like Saxon but not.


We have tried Saxon but I found the teacher's manual was extremely time intensive and with other children I can't sacrifice that much time. We have also tried Singapore Maths but my DS is getting frustrated doing the same thing for days on end - until the unit is finished.


Has anyone else had this problem? Is it possible to still use Singapore Maths but do 1 page of Unit 1 then 1 page of Unit 2 etc, just to mix it up? Or have you found that each unit follows a sequence of learning?


Thanks in advance, :bigear:

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CLE isn't exactly the same but is very similar and we are enjoying it after switching from

Saxon last year. The Saxon 1 lessons were taking me about 45 minutes to get through but the CLE 1 lessons only involve about 15 minutes of my time. There is repetition but it isn't as mind-numbingly thorough as Saxon is as written (you can always adjust Saxon but I'm a box checker and always had trouble getting rid of anything).

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If you like everything about Saxon except for how teacher intensive it is, then maybe you should consider a DVD/CDRom program to go along with it. The DIVE CDs are great. They are short: 5-15 minutes per lesson. They explain the material and work through example problems. Your dc could watch a lesson, and then go begin their homework!

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