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slight brag!

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My son has said he wants to go back to public school so many times I've lost count. This past summer he cried, threw fits, and was miserable. I almost caved several times, but just couldn't do it. We made an agreement that he could go to public school for Highschool if he wanted. So since then he had been reminding me regularly that he will be back in public school in a few years, he can't wait, etc.


Well, yesterday I asked, casually, if he was still planning on going to public school for highschool. He actually said, "probably.....I guess I won't know until then." Which, from him, was huge. I had expected a "of COURSE!" but it turns out he might want to keep homeschooling!


Either way is fine with me, but I'm SO happy that he is no longer miserable being homeschooled. I feel like I'm really meeting his needs now, and I'm so glad.

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My son has said he wants to go back to public school so many times I've lost count. This past summer he cried, threw fits, and was miserable. I almost caved several times, but just couldn't do it. We made an agreement that he could go to public school for Highschool if he wanted. So since then he had been reminding me regularly that he will be back in public school in a few years, he can't wait, etc.


Well, yesterday I asked, casually, if he was still planning on going to public school for highschool. He actually said, "probably.....I guess I won't know until then." Which, from him, was huge. I had expected a "of COURSE!" but it turns out he might want to keep homeschooling!


Either way is fine with me, but I'm SO happy that he is no longer miserable being homeschooled. I feel like I'm really meeting his needs now, and I'm so glad.


I like that bolded part best! :001_smile:

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I like that bolded part best! :001_smile:


yes, it is the meeting his needs part that makes me feel so good! That's the brag. I really am ok with him going to the local higschool, or the magnet school, but for me the joy is knowing he thinks I'm doing a good job.

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