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How to raise a great dog...

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We have had our puppy for two weeks now and I feel as if we are doing pretty good. It has been a good learning experience for the kids so far but I think we can always improve. Those of you with puppy experience, what books, videos, activities, methods, resources, training did you do or wish you had done with your pups? What advice can you give me to help us raise a wonderful dog?

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I wish I had gone to puppy training to teach my puppy to walk well on the lead. She is a beagle and pulls.


Other than that she is a great dog. I love that she is not a barker. Our neighbors are pretty close so I guess they are glad too. :D


ETA I would also consider pet insurance. Our dog has had some very pricey vet bills.

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We're on our third dog since getting married 15 years ago and I can say w/o reservation, TRAINING CLASSES. Truly. Our GSD is doing SO well and I can attribute it to three things: 1. Our dedication to train and stay with the dog at all times (while out of the kennel). 2. Crate training 3. Puppy training classes.


I owned dogs growing up and thought I could train a dog, no problem. However, it's amazing to me to learn all the things we as owners are doing wrong, *thinking* we're doing what's right. If you can afford it, take your puppy to classes for both training and socialization. You won't be sorry.

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