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Seton or Kolbe like - but not Catholic

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I'm not Catholic and my middle dd used several courses through Kolbe... they were standard PS texts, but had study guides and answer keys that I could not get otherwise...


There was NOTHING 'Catholic' about the programs we used-- they were purely secular...


They do use 'approved' texts-- they make sure the texts do not teach against anything they believe in...

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We're not Catholic but are using Kolbe's Literature of Christendom course plan this year. We like it so far. We also used science course plans from Kolbe in the elementary grades. I've found their course plans to be adaptable and easy to use. We have not actually enrolled with Kolbe for any course. Instead, I've bought the course plan and the books that the plan calls for and just taught the course myself.

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Thanks for all the ideas. I really like Kolbe because of the flexibility but I'm not sure we want to spend 3 years on ancients for history and lit and those are the courses I am really looking for for next year.


The Catholic part really doesn't bother me (I was raised Catholic and my husband is Irish Catholic) as long as it isn't totally pervasive throughout all the courses.


I also like Oak Meadow for the curriculum with lesson plans. I don't think we would "enroll" there though.

I have also looked into Great Books with Angelicum.


Someone just give me the magic answer to high school please!

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FWIW my dd loves Seton as she can follow the lesson plans and work independently. It is a Catholic program, but religion is only required if you are fully enrolled and want their accredited diploma - and I'd check with them directly as I'm not really sure how they handle non-Catholic student requirements. You can sign up for individual courses and you'll still get the lesson plans, have grading and outside accountability for a reasonable cost.

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I really am not too interested in a diploma - from what I've been researching colleges really don't look for that anyway. So maybe I'll use some courses from Seton and then the girls will have some accountablility and see how that works for us. I'll have to go back and look at the high school classes and see what they have for 9th grade. We might do a co-op for biology and writing so maybe we'll try some history and english with Seton...I really like Kolbe but just can't seem to get past three years of ancients! I know my daughter would get tired of it and want to do more recent history and literature....I also like Oak Meadow but it is too expensive to enroll so I would just use the course plans from them....I think at this point my daughter would benefit from feedback from someone other then me! Working more independently also needs to happen here - esp for my younger daughter!!!!!

Thanks for all the help. High school scares me! I know my daughter will go on to college and I want to make sure she is prepared. We've been pretty relaxed the past few years so I need to bring them back to reality next year!

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