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MUS w/ Singapore or MUS w/ Saxon or Singapore w/ Saxon


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what do people generally use as their spine? How do you combine the two programs and which is the best mix? My son has tested 8/7 in Saxon and has just finished Epsilon MUS. He has done Singapore in the past and liked it. The problem that he found with MUS is that he has lost a lot of what he learned in the past with Sinagpore because of lack of review. Opinions please. We are just contemplating using two programs to get a mix and make sure every base is covered. I am sort of Math challenged. :confused: Thanks for any help you can give. Jeana

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We have used MUS as our spine and supplemented with Singapore's Challenging Word Problems. I really like this combination because MUS presents everything so clearly and has review. MUS is weak on word problems, so CWP are a great addition.


I tried using Singapore (workbook/textbook) in 2nd grade, but it was not successful, partially because of my own discomfort with teaching something that was so different from the way I learned.


I'm not a Saxon fan, so I won't comment there.


Good luck!

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We do Singapore with MUS, and have done Saxon, but don't care for the last one. You could do MUS with CWP, and that would certainly improve MUS's weakest point. Since my vs learner did NOT learn her math facts by rote but by doing, this combination has been very successful. She gets the mastery of basic material from MUS, and is reviewing that one topic while getting more variety and mathematical thinking in Singapore. We just added CWP this spring and I wish I'd done it from the start.


I don't try and correlate MUS and SM by lining them up. SM is the main one, but we do MUS fairly regularly most of the time. SM doesn't do drill.


One book I really like to go with CWP, and SM in general, is the Essential Parents' Guide to Primary Maths. I found it at Rainbow, but I would think it would be sold elsewhere.

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