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CLE LA is bombing need help


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We are using CLE LA for our 1,3, 5 and 7th graders. The 5th and 7th and are really struggling. We were using GWG but while they were getting answers correct it was not sticking. I love the way CLE reviews. It is just not working for my 2 oldest. What can I try next? We already have something for writing so my main concern is grammar.

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I love CLE for math, and I have a good opinion of their LA, but it just didn't jive for us.


About a month ago, I put my 5th grader into Hake Grammar. It is the grammar version of Saxon Math. Saxon math for youngers was a bomb here, but I like the grammar. For my son, it's just a good fit. It's not terribly complicated, it builds with review, and it doesn't take very long to get it done.


At the same time, I put my 8th grader into Analytical Grammar. Another good fit, for this particular kid. This has also been quick and painless, building, and i'm really pleased with how much he's picked up in the short amount of time we've been working at it.


I plan to continue with Hake for my 5th grader, and when he reaches 7th or 8th grade, I'll have him work through AG. Right now, I don't think it would be a good fit for him.


If you have questions about either of these, let me know. :)

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How far along are your dc in CLE LA (which LU)? I highly recommend flash cards. We made them ourselves as we went along and memorized key terms EVERYDAY.


If this is the first year the 5 & 7th graders are using CLE LA then maybe it's too much for them and dropping back a grade level or two would make sense.


Have you tried R&S English? I would recommend using R&S English 5 and 6. R&S English 7 is HARD - harder than CLE LA 7 (I've used them both).

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