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As an adult..is it possible to make your writing better??

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My oldest ds had to write an essay, so he wrote his essay and then asked for help to making it sound better. My neighbor is really good at this, so he went over to her. OMG, I wish that I could come up with the stuff that she comes up with!!!

I don't know how people take something and turn it into exactly what you wanted to say/write in the first place!?!?!


Is it possible for me to learn to write somewhat like she does?? IMO..I am a below average writer compared to hear.




Any advice?

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Yes, you can become a better writer. I used to be horrible, which was bad because I write newsletters and web copy for my business. Dh was a brutal editor- at first it would upset me so much. But just continuing to write on a daily basis helped me improve.


I think a college class would be great, but barring that just using a high school writing curriculum would probably help too. Ask your neighbor if she will edit your writing.



I don't know how people take something and turn it into exactly what you wanted to say/write in the first place!?!?!


Is it possible for me to learn to write somewhat like she does?? IMO..I am a below average writer compared to hear.


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If this is something you really want to do, then you'll be able to do it.


If you are thinking more in terms of being able to help your son, then maybe a book like Writers Inc. would be a good resource to have.


If you want to do more writing of your own, maybe you could do something like journaling, writing letters, etc. so that writing is part of your daily routine. If you've got some interesting family stories, start writing those down and keep them for your kids.


You could also check out Julie Bogart's Brave Writer website and blog for ideas. (http://www.bravewriter.com) You might like to try some freewriting, and she has weekly "Friday Freewrites" on her blog. She's got a lot of great ideas that would work for writers of any age, and I think you'd find her approach to writing very enjoyable!

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