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Girl's Charm school course?


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I'm looking for something for DD, and I'm not sure it even exists. I want a program to work with her on virtues and things I feel she needs to learn, like cooking, cleaning, how to run a home, etc. But I'm NOT looking for something overly religious. I had previously looked at Little Flower's Girl's Club and the accompanying Little Women Hospitality program for older girls, and they are a good fit except for the religion. I really don't want to re-write or create my own program if I don't have to.


DD is already in Girl Scouts, but I don't feel they do enough in this area.


Is there something out there? Something like a Girl's charm school / finishing school that isn't religious?

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There was a thread where they were discussing the NY Regents home Ec exam. I didn't look at it, but it sounds like it might be useful, or a good start.


It was a recent thread, by the way. Something like "NY article. school...." Don't remember the exact wording.



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Have you seen the Mary Frances books by Jane Eayre Fryer? They are a bit dated, but there is one of cooking, one on sewing, one on crocheting, and I think even one on gardening. I know the sewing one has little sewing exercises to do as you work through the book. I imagine the other books are the same. They are very imaginative stories also.


ETA: There is one on housekeeping and one on first aid also.

Edited by lorisuewho
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All the materials I use are Christian, Currently going through Girlhood and beyond with dd12, and then we will do "Christian Charm course".


Christian charm course is cool because it actually teaches the material in a secular manner and then adds a page or 2 that has ways to incorporate the lesson into a Christian life. SO the main part of the program could still be used by someone who does not want the christian content. Poise, posture, hospitality etc are essentially the same whether secular or christian. It is an older curriculum but still available. I bought mine used for cheap (and got A Man in Demand too which is the program for boys that is offered in place of this one).

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