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Hit a spelling road block!


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I am struggling to teach spelling to my 11 year old (5th grade) Ds. He is working around a 3rd grade level in spelling. After struggling the past two years I finally found a program that was working for him, Spelling Plus. He was doing awesome on the test and retension improved greatly. He doesn't like this program and complained about it all the time. I was the mean mom and told him to suck it up and get with the program because it was working. He agreed it was working and stopped voicing his complaints (still could see in his behavior during spelling that he is not happy). He has finally gotten to the point in the book that the list are hard for him. He has gone from A/B on the test to C/D (we test the list words and do dictation sentence from the previous lesson). We do dictation about twice during the week and he is not remembering the words from the previous list. He even argues with me that he has never seen that word on his list before. We are spending almost two weeks on each list and we do a review list (words he missed on past test and/or words I see him struggling with) after every 2-3 new list. I also started him using spellingcity.com. With all these changes there isn't any improvement and he is feeling like a failure and his attitude towards spelling has really been depressing. I worked so hard all fall on improving his attitude towards spelling and encouraging him and all that hardwork went out the window.


He is a visual learner and enjoys workbooks. I don't know what to do with him! Does anyone have any suggestions? I hate to twice to yet another spelling program! I have Megawords waiting for him, but he doesn't spell good enough to use that program yet.

Edited by kandty
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I see you use AAS with your younger son, did you already try that with your older one? That was the only thing that turned spelling around for my kids (and my oldest was 11 when I started him). Hope you can find something that works for him!


Merry :-)


Merry, I sent you a message a few weeks ago about AAS with my youngest. I used it last year with him, and started again last month. It is going well, but I don't use the tiles with him.


For my oldest we used AAS levels 1-3 and in those two years we didn't gain any ground. We hated working with the tiles and I didn't like using them to teach. I don't know where we went wrong with using this program since it sounds perfect for him. I don't know if I should go back to it with him. I really have no idea where to go. :confused:

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