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I hope this makes sense; I'll try to keep from rambling.


I know my oldest is only 6, but I'm looking ahead and trying to figure out what I should do to educate myself so I'll be ready for the upper years.


I only have the 1999 edition of WTM, I'm thinking looking at the rhetoric stage resources in the newest one and going from there. I would also appreciate any additional ideas.


For math: I was never any good at Algebra 2 or above. I managed to get a B in Trig but stopped there. Anything beyond that is completely scary. I'm thinking about using the Life of Fred high school books to refresh my memory and see if math actually makes sense.


Any other recommendations?


For science: I did earth science, biology and chemistry in high school. Biology was easy; chemistry was difficult. Physics doesn't always make a lot of sense to me. I struggle a lot with the mathematics of physics and chemistry.


Any recommendations?


For history: I've tried reading SWB's history books. They just go over my head. I'll probably just keep trying those. Any other recommendations would be appreciated too.


If you have any tips, ideas, or experience on how you educated yourself, I would love to hear it.


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I found SWB's history books to be heavy stuff, and I love history. Some folks here have said they are easier to absorb on audio, so you might try that, but first maybe try some other, lighter history books? I'll think of some and post.


For math, I've been working my way through Khan Academy online. It's free, it has badges!, it has little explanatory videos. It's not perfect but I'm enjoying it.


I don't do physics, that's my husband's department. I do love chemistry though. I just ordered "Friendly Chemistry" for my daughter for next year--it's supposed to be good for adult review too, so you might look into that sometime. Before that, try reading fun chemistry books like Uncle Tungsten, Primo Levi's Elements, and The Disappearing Spoon. Those are great. For physics, maybe watch a lecture series, like the Berkeley professor Richard Muller's? He wrote a great book called Physics for Future Presidents that I really liked, and then he produced a whole course by that title and it's online.


I've been trying to work through logic before I go on to rhetoric. I'm stalled. I'm thinking next year I'd like to do MP's logic course with my daughter. But I have loved the Rules for Arguments book SWB recommends--read that!


Oh, and I just signed up for a free online course about the Constitution from Hillsdale College. I think that's going to be interesting.

Edited by dangermom
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Of course! Khan Academy! Thank you for all your wonderful ideas.


Also, I think I might have to go back to logic stage for some things. I have NEVER diagrammed a sentence in my life! I had never even heard about it and had no idea what SWB was talking about when she mentioned it. I'm pretty sure WWS would have a lot in there that I have never done too. I might just go buy the Kindle edition of WTM, I'd really like to look up a bunch of their resources and not have to wait my turn at the library....Anyway, thanks for all your help.

Edited by meggie
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