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sorting books

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Someone gave me a couple of really big e-book files. I am in the process of sorting through them. There are a lot of books and authors I have never heard of. I don't want to delete them just because I haven't heard of them. I am trying to get the books categorized by type and then author. (So I have a folder called fantasy that has folders with authors and/or series in it.) Each folder will also have a miscellaenous folder for authors who I only have one book for.


My question is: Is there a good place I can go to look up an author and find out what type/category of books they write?


I can find good book descriptions on Amazon, I'm jjust not sure I want to look up every book in these files (there are thousands).


If you can think of a better way to organize large amounts of e-books in the computer - Please feel free to share...

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