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Anyone use Jr. Great Books?


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If so, can you tell me about your experience? I have tried twice now to order samples from their website, and said samples have never shown up in my mailbox.

I am thinking about this for third grade and need something very direct (for lack of a better term) for this child. I've looked at Sonlight and Winterpromise LA and don't think they would be a good fit for her. We don't need grammar (Rod & Staff) or spelling or any of the other parts of language arts, but we desperately need something for reading comprehension.


Would Jr. Great Books do this?



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that's weird that they haven't shown up on your mailbox. Mine did take about 3-4 weeks though.


The samples look great, so I'm really glad you asked this question, I'll be curious to hear (see?) what people say!


Cheers -



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So, Penny, was there a secret code I missed??? I'm kidding, of course, but I'm encouraged to hear that someone's gotten samples. Perhaps they batch them and mine are on their way, though it's definitely been longer than 3 weeks even since the second request.



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I really liked it. I used it briefly with my 7th grader last year and although it wasn't a good fit for that particular child it's definately something I'd consider using for my ds at another point in time.


Not to throw another option at you, but have you looked at the Daybooks for Critical Reading and Writing from Great Source?




They look a little less teacher intensive IMO. They remind me alot of WEM and How to Read a Book because they teach children to respond directly to the reading in the book to make comments, or jot down thoughts and also discusses literary elements. I actually have the one for 4th grade to use this upcoming year and I chose it over Jr. Great Books (this time) because ds reads a lot on his own and this didn't seem like we were adding yet another book to the mix because it comes in notebook form. I also really liked how we could apply to the other books he was reading. And the pages are colorful, but not overwhelming, which he really needs.


I know what you mean, though, some kids just need more than notebooking to help with sorting it all out.

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I had the same trouble finding other grades, so I poked around and found this:




Apparently there are new editions and old editions.


I am intrigued by this, Luna. Thanks, I will definitely look into it further.




Yes, Rainbow only has some of the newer editions I guess, so you'd have to look in the old editions section for the other grades. I actually got mine on Amazon for about $6 + shipping. If you did an amazon search you'd probably want to use the ISBN for the exact copy you are looking for. Sometimes Rainbow will list the ISBN, if not http://www.greatsource.com has them.

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