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reader's notebook


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Does anyone keep a reader's notebook for their elementary kids? I'm brainstorming for next year as I want to be better at keeping track or a record of books accomplished, etc. so my kids can see at the end of the year all they did with reading (not literally all but a good account).


When I say reader's notebook I mean something that has a section for a book log, response or narration of the books read, goals, etc. My son will be 4th grade and I will have a 2nd grader, but I'm thinking more for my 4th grader-


what do you include and how do you manage it- how much does the child manage it? Thanks!:)

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In my state, we are required to show a reading log for the year. (When my kids get older, of course.)


I would either make a simple log sheet in Microsoft Word (or search for one online). Here is a cute reading log I found- http://www.tlsbooks.com/myreadinglog.pdf


A simple reading list - http://donnayoung.org/f11/planner-f/f-school-pdf/book_list.pdf

I also like this one because it leaves the top open so you can write in whatever subject you like - http://www.homeschoolnotebooking.com/download_pages/free_pages/planning_record_keeping/book_log.pdf


Check out this area for goals - http://donnayoung.org/forms/planners/goals.htm


I know i have seen response/narration pages on the web, but I can't seem to find them at the moment. Try HomeschoolNotebooking.com. Maybe I saw them there?


I hope this is kind of what you are looking for- maybe at least it will give you a jumping off point! Good Luck


You could either do this in a small 1/2 binder separate or in a little portfolio in a larger binder.

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I do bookmarks for each book.


In the past, I have copied and resized the cover of the book. Added a space for stars to rate the book (use the stickers). I added a space for a book blurb too. We would save all of the pages and put in a binder that had alphabetical dividers. :) I have been meaning to do this again, but I am sorely behind! I do have the pictures though. LOL

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I have been keeping a booklist of our read alouds and my personal reads using Pinterest. I just thought it would be a nice way to keep the books. I go to amazon and copy the link for the book and past it into to create a new pin (or search on there since I often find a lot of the books on other's boards and just repin).


I guess this is a digital way to do it so you don't have all that paper to keep up with. However, with that being said, I'm planning for my oldest to start a reading log next year. We've been told a highschool reading log has been asked for by colleges before and I figure we need a couple of years to get in the habit of keeping it so we're staring next year for 7th grade. Not sure if he will opt for a notebook type list or some sort of digital list.

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