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ISO Vacation Rental - Upstate NY, VT

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My sil is coming from Europe for a couple weeks this summer with her two dks, ages 8 and 6. I have 3 dks, ages 10, 12, 14.


We want a place to hang out. Sil doesn't want to go to either of her parent's places because they aren't kid friendly and she feels they can't just hang out there (I agree!).


So, we're looking for somewhere between Maryland and Toronto/Montreal to rent (room for 8-9). I don't want to drive up past Toronto because we've got lots of other driving to do this summer. She wants to be close enough to Toronto to do a day trip.


We're looking for something with a bit of a beach. I was thinking about Thousand Islands/Gananoque area - is that a beachy, swimmy area? We've also stayed on Lake Champlain in VT, but the area we were in wasn't very beachy - a dock into the lake with razor sharp rocks - not good for little ones who want to play in the sand! Plus that's not a day trip to Toronto!


Any recommendations?



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Well, It isn't a day trip to Toronto...


Plattsburgh has great sand beaches on Lake Champlain. It is a day trip to Montreal. It is an hour from Plattsburgh to Montreal (not counting border crossing). It is also an hour from Plattsburgh to Burlington with a ferry boat ride included!


There is also the Lake Placid area, but the rentals there are very pricy, and you prob had to rent them last summer for this summer, but it's worth a shot.

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My parents rent a house on the beach every year on Lake Champlain, NY side. It is a real beach, nice sand, shallow for a long ways out into the water, with a sand bar farther out. Boat access is actually tricky there because it stays shallow for so long that it is hard to build docks long enough for bigger boats. They rent a 3 bedroom cabin for very cheap there. Look near Port Kent or Ausable Point. Stay away from the northern parts of the lake (Cumberland head, etc), it's very rocky up there. The city of Plattsburgh also has very nice public beaches, but they get crowded and I don't think you could rent anything directly on the lake there. Ausable point has a very nice campground with awesome sandy beaches also. I don't think they have cabins, though.


redsquirrel are you from the area? I grew up near Plattsburgh.

Edited by AdventureMoms
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My parents rent a house on the beach every year on Lake Champlain, NY side. It is a real beach, nice sand, shallow for a long ways out into the water, with a sand bar farther out. Boat access is actually tricky there because it stays shallow for so long that it is hard to build docks long enough for bigger boats. They rent a 3 bedroom cabin for very cheap there. Look near Port Kent or Ausable Point. Stay away from the northern parts of the lake (Cumberland head, etc), it's very rocky up there. The city of Plattsburgh also has very nice public beaches, but they get crowded and I don't think you could rent anything directly on the lake there. Ausable point has a very nice campground with awesome sandy beaches also. I don't think they have cabins, though.


redsquirrel are you from the area? I grew up near Plattsburgh.


I think camping is not in the picture.


Do you happen to know the name of the place your parents rent?

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It doesn't have a name, I don't think. We've just always called it X camp where X is the name of the family who owns it. There are a few others on the same beach, but I don't think any of them have official names. Usually they advertise in the classifieds in the local paper. http://www.press-republican.com Nothing is there yet, though. I'm guessing it is still too early.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm bumping this up, hoping that someone can give me some more information...


I went to the pressrepublican website, but couldn't find anything there - maybe I'm looking in the wrong area?


Anyone have any tried and true places on Lake Champlain? I think my in-laws will prefer the NY side since they'll be driving in from the Toronto area. So, something with a sandy beach would be preferred. There will be 9-10 of us, including a grandma with some mobility issues.

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