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Classical Writing Question - How do I catch up?


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How do I catch up if I am starting CW with my 8th grade dd? I will be using the Workbook for Older Beginners (22 weeks) and then Poetry for Older Beginners (12 weeks). This will take her 8th grade year. That puts us doing Diogenes and Intermediate Poetry for 9th and 10th. That only leaves me 2 years to complete the Advanced levels which contain material I definitely want her to have. If I didn't do the poetry, I could see it all fitting. But I would really like her to have the poetry study too. I am assuming it is too much to run the poetry concurrent with the other lessons?


I really would like her to be doing Diogenes this year because that is more the level she is ready for in her writing.


How do I fit it all in?


Also, do I need to add a literature program to this?


Thanks for any input you can provide.


PS. Are the CW Yahoo Loop and the CW Message Boards really quiet? I didn't get any response when I posted on the loop.

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How do I catch up if I am starting CW with my 8th grade dd? I will be using the Workbook for Older Beginners (22 weeks) and then Poetry for Older Beginners (12 weeks). This will take her 8th grade year. That puts us doing Diogenes and Intermediate Poetry for 9th and 10th. That only leaves me 2 years to complete the Advanced levels which contain material I definitely want her to have. If I didn't do the poetry, I could see it all fitting. But I would really like her to have the poetry study too. I am assuming it is too much to run the poetry concurrent with the other lessons?


I really would like her to be doing Diogenes this year because that is more the level she is ready for in her writing.


How do I fit it all in?


Also, do I need to add a literature program to this?


Thanks for any input you can provide.


PS. Are the CW Yahoo Loop and the CW Message Boards really quiet? I didn't get any response when I posted on the loop.


The thing to be careful with here, is that you don't skimp on the basics.


If your dd is really ready for Diogenes work, you might consider this: Go through the older beginner book yourself. Outline the different skills taught at each level. If there are any your dd has *mastered*, then skip those weeks. Move on.


Read the core books. Outline them. You can take the time to really understand what the program is teaching, and then make it work for you. CW was originally designed without the workbooks, so that a parent could understand what was to be taught, and design the lessons to fit the student. You can do the same. However you do it, you want to make sure that she is solid in the Homer skills before moving on to Diogenes.


Remember, CW is not the only way to teach the progymnasmata, and many teachers/programs do not begin it until high school. CW takes longer, and starts earlier, because it is very, very, very thorough. Maybe you could skimp on some of that thoroughness for now.


Or, you could skip the poetry. You might have to choose between more poetry, or higher levels of the core program. The poetry is wonderful, but it's not as important as the rest. Or, if you only did one of the poetry programs, she'd still learn an awful lot about poetry!

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I know the CW Message Boards will certainly be able to answer your question. The Yahoo loop (which I'm on) is somewhat quiet. The reason it's especially quiet on your specific question is that the bulk of us who participate there have students younger than yours (thus we lack the experience to adeptly answer your question).


On the CW message boards, I remember an outstanding response from Lene that answered the whole "being behind" fear. It's worth seeking and finding.


Hopefully you'll get the answer you need. You might consider cross-posting this on the high school board.

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The thing to be careful with here, is that you don't skimp on the basics.


Or, you could skip the poetry. You might have to choose between more poetry, or higher levels of the core program. The poetry is wonderful, but it's not as important as the rest. Or, if you only did one of the poetry programs, she'd still learn an awful lot about poetry!



Thanks. I have the Homer Core coming and will definitely make sure she is solid with those skills. Then I will make a determination about when to start Diogenes.


Great point about the poetry. I really didn't want to start the poetry this year as I felt it would be too many new things to get used to in one year. I will just figure on starting it later when I feel comfortable with the rest of the program.

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I know the CW Message Boards will certainly be able to answer your question. The Yahoo loop (which I'm on) is somewhat quiet. The reason it's especially quiet on your specific question is that the bulk of us who participate there have students younger than yours (thus we lack the experience to adeptly answer your question).


On the CW message boards, I remember an outstanding response from Lene that answered the whole "being behind" fear. It's worth seeking and finding.


Hopefully you'll get the answer you need. You might consider cross-posting this on the high school board.


Thanks, Susan. I will go do a message search. Sometimes it is hard to know what to search for but with a name that will help a lot.


I forgot this was the K-8 board. I will do a cross post.

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Another thing you might consider is doing the Poetry (perhaps both beginning and intermediate) as summer enrichment. You could do beginning this summer, and intermediate next summer. Or, if it's too late to start this summer, bump them both, and start next summer.


Good idea. It would be too late for this summer as we start back to school the first week of July. But next summer is definitely something to shoot for.

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I saw your post on the yahoo list but I did not know what to answer. In response to maybe skipping the poetry, I think it better you not skip it. Add it in the summer, double up on weeks...anything, but squeeze it in. We were able to do two week's worth in one. Our days were longer, but we enjoyed it so much. It actually has made our return to Homer more pleasant.


I sort of remember the post Susan is talking about....something about if you get through Diogenes you will have learnt more writing than most public high school students. I remember reading it at a time when I was stressing if we would ever finish Homer A. I finally took a deep breath after that.


Take heart and give them time over at the CW message board. Lene will usually post an answer.



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I just posted a similar question on the CW message boards last night. My oldest dd is a 13yo rising 8th grader. She began Homer A last year but had too much on her plate and didn't get too far. So this year I'll have her and her 12yo brother (rising 7th grader) in Homer... perhaps at different weeks. But like you I worry that we won't get to the last book in the series which focuses on reports (which I think are really necessary to know how to do for both HS and college).


The CW message boards do get answers, it usually take about 24 hours or so.




Here want some: :lurk5: ?

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I saw your post on the yahoo list but I did not know what to answer. In response to maybe skipping the poetry, I think it better you not skip it. Add it in the summer, double up on weeks...anything, but squeeze it in. We were able to do two week's worth in one. Our days were longer, but we enjoyed it so much. It actually has made our return to Homer more pleasant.


I sort of remember the post Susan is talking about....something about if you get through Diogenes you will have learnt more writing than most public high school students. I remember reading it at a time when I was stressing if we would ever finish Homer A. I finally took a deep breath after that.


Take heart and give them time over at the CW message board. Lene will usually post an answer.




Thanks. I did see the post about Diogenes being equivalent or above high school.

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I just posted a similar question on the CW message boards last night. My oldest dd is a 13yo rising 8th grader. She began Homer A last year but had too much on her plate and didn't get too far. So this year I'll have her and her 12yo brother (rising 7th grader) in Homer... perhaps at different weeks. But like you I worry that we won't get to the last book in the series which focuses on reports (which I think are really necessary to know how to do for both HS and college).


The CW message boards do get answers, it usually take about 24 hours or so.




Here want some: :lurk5: ?


I did get a reply on the boards to another question the other day. I will be watching your question there as well.

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