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Sibling Rivalry

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Within the last month my 2 girls have gone from best friends to sworn enemies. I am at the point of seriously considering banning them from being in the same room as I jut can't take it anymore. It is constant bickering, tattling, antagonizing, etc.


Please give me any tips, books, etc that have helped with your kids.



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Well, this sort of thing was reduced, when I explained that i expected them to AT LEAST treat each as politely as they'd treat a stranger.


A friend of mine with 4 boys has a solution of binding their wrists tOgether (just one each!) for 3-4 hours when they can't get along. This way they MUST negotiate with each other. Thereafter it is a useful threat.


Yes, they are allowed to use the bathroom alone! :)


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At our night time family meeting/prayers, we review what things happened that day, and how we could have done better. The kids must come up with ideas on how they could've handled things differently/better. They also report on what nice thing they did for each family member that day.

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