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Help me schedule my day! (6th grader)


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Okay....I'm ADD. I literally feel incapable of figuring this out. I think I've actually asked a similar question before, but I didn't have MY thoughts together enough when I asked it to actually get the answers I needed. I think I do now.


I'm teaching DD (11yr) 6th grade this year. We are using CLE math and language arts. She is a bit "behind" in those subjects as she just started the 6th grade books for both last month. She is taking science, band, and choir at the local ps. I have MOH I which we did last year, but not as in-depthly as I would have liked (again, the ADD came into play - I'm not a good planner). I feel like I'm not doing enough.


Currently, our school time looks something like this:


Intro activity (usually a brain teaser type activity) - 10-15 min

CLE Math - 1hr (however many lessons she can get done in that time)

CLE LA - 1hr (however many lessons she can get done in that time)


We will sometimes throw in a short writing activity, or a page or two out of some random workbooks we have (science experiments, a book on the presidents, a reading comprehension book, etc), and she reads a TON on her own at a very high level.


So.....what would you add or take away. How would you allocate your time? I feel like this is not rigorous enough for a 6th grader, but maybe it is. Oy. I just don't know. Please help!!

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I like to use workboxes to help structure my day. That way everything we need for that subject is in the box, and I can see visually when it's done or not.


I like to start our day with Bible, and then if I'm reading history out loud, I do that next. Then I cover any one on one subjects I need to teach, then have my child do independent work. So I put our boxes in an order that accommodates that kind of structure.


Here's pictures and a description if you want to see them. It's helped us stay more organized and make sure we cover everything that we need to. We also use Mystery of History--if you want to beef it up, you can use readers and read-alouds from Sonlight, or other books you find at the library to cover similar subjects. If you put your "1 hour" time limit on that and just see what you get to, you should be fine.


I would start with a basic schedule that has a start time (after breakfast & morning routine) written down, as well as your times for science, choir and band. Then you can see where you have time to fit in those other subjects. I use a written schedule as a way to keep us organized. HTH some! If you want help with the schedule, post your other time constraints & I'll take a stab at it.


Merry :-)

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The good thing is that you have enough structure to get in the math and language arts, the problem is that it sounds like everything else is pretty random. Some people like random. If you think it's working for you, just stick with it and perhaps look into the idea of 'unschooling'. If you feel you're missing something, consider doing something like this:


I would open a word document and make a table of 5 columns.

Label the columns Monday to Friday.


In each of the columns, put Logic (for now, that's your 'brain teaser', but later you might want to add something more formal), Math and Language Arts. (CLE LA is all-inclusive, right? If not, add in a writing program and spelling/handwriting, but only if needed.)


Add science, choir and band on the appropriate days (or every day - if it is).


I'd add in History 3 days/week and Latin (or another foreign language) on the other two days. This is a great forum to ask about what kind of materials to use if you don't have something that's working for you.


If you want, make your chart pretty or colorful or add a few bits of clip art, print and laminate it (at a copy store if you don't have your own). Post it on the wall where you do your work and make sure that every day you are getting in the subjects that are for that day. It might be that History ends up being read in bed before going to sleep or Latin is only 20 minutes, but make certain that each of the subjects for the day is getting done consistently. You can always build up to more structure or more subjects or more length, but make your chart doable and then do it.

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I do NOT like random - at all. It is overwhelming to me.....I can't handle chaos, and that feels like chaos.


I'm not sure I can really have a time (of the day) based schedule, because every day is different in our house. Unless, somebody can make some sense out of this:



8:35 leave to drop off DD at ps for science and either band or choir. We go straight from there to the little's preschool to drop them off.

9:15 arrive back home for chores/run errands

11:00 pick DD up from ps and go home/run errands/whatever

12:00 pick up littles from preschool then lunch

1:00 get DS to his nap

2:50 leave to take DD to ps for show choir

4:30 pick DD up from show choir

6:00 drop DD off at softball practice

9:00 pick DD up from softball practice (she has 2 back to back)

DH has class Monday nights until 9:30



8:15 leave to drop DD off at ps for science & choir or band then home

8:50 leave to drop DD 5yr off at preschool then DS and I go home or run errands

10:15 pick DD up from ps

12:00 pick DD up from preschool then lunch

1:00 or 1:30 naps for the littles

3:30 leave for DD 5yr's gymnastics

6:00 arrive home from gymnastics - DD 11yr has already been dropped off at softball by DH

8:15 pick DD up from softball



8:35 leave to drop off DD at ps for science and either band or choir. We go straight from there to the little's preschool to drop them off.

9:00 - 12:00 I have my weekly breakfast and outing with my "mom friends" - DD is picked up from ps by my grandma - they spend the morning together

12:00 pick up DS from preschool

1:30 pick up DD from preschool (she has an enrichment class after regular preschool hours) and DD usually arrives home from Grandma's

6:30 drop off both DDs at church - DS and I spend quality time together

8:00 pick up DDs

DH has class until 9:30 on Wednesdays



8:15 leave to drop DD off at ps for science & choir or band then home

8:50 leave to drop DD 5yr off at preschool then DS and I go home or run errands

10:15 pick DD up from ps

12:00 pick DD up from preschool then lunch

1:00 or 1:30 naps for the littles

3:30 leave for DD 5yr's gymnastics

6:00 arrive home from gymnastics - DD 11yr has already been dropped off at softball by DH

8:15 pick DD up from softball



8:35 leave to drop off DD at ps for science and either band or choir. We go straight from there to DD's preschool to drop her off

9:15 arrive back home for chores/run errands with DS

11:00 pick DD up from ps and go home/run errands/whatever

12:00 pick up DD from preschool then lunch

1:00 or 1:30 get DS to nap


We kinda just slip school in whenever we can. I'm okay with that (I think - I would probably prefer more structure, but it's super hard), but I feel like I'm not doing near enough for her. I would like to do history again, but I struggled with MOH. I'm not organized enough to have all the supplies and extra books/movies on hand. I want to be. Desperately. But I'm not. Any ideas how to make that work? Last year when we did it, we didn't do the memory cards or the timeline. It felt chaotic and discombobulated, lol. DD loved the book though and I'm sure would've loved all the in depth stuff.


As far as foreign language, I plan to add Chinese in very soon, but I'm waiting for the book to show up.


We tried workboxes last year. DD loved it. I found that I didn't have the time to set them up every night. It was consuming too much of me/my time.


Maybe everything is fine how it is, but I feel odd only doing LA and Math.

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You are coming and going all day long. I don't think you have time to squeeze anything else in. I can't imagine running around that much, I'd be stressed out.




Yes, this is a lot more running around than I could handle too & than I thought from your initial post. The outside activities really control your whole day. Unless you want to change that, I'm not sure how much you can change your other subject things. I know some people don't want to cut outside activities, and I can understand that. I guess I think kids need down time that's not all structured, and I don't see how you can do all you want to accomplish and also do all the activities, and also have any down time. If you were home for the day after the morning preschool and science/band/choir, it would sure enable you to streamline things though.


We kinda just slip school in whenever we can. I'm okay with that (I think - I would probably prefer more structure, but it's super hard), but I feel like I'm not doing near enough for her. I would like to do history again, but I struggled with MOH. I'm not organized enough to have all the supplies and extra books/movies on hand. I want to be. Desperately. But I'm not. Any ideas how to make that work? Last year when we did it, we didn't do the memory cards or the timeline. It felt chaotic and discombobulated, lol. DD loved the book though and I'm sure would've loved all the in depth stuff..


You can buy the memory cards to print them out. Also, maybe you would like Illuminations--it chooses the extra books to go with MOH for you, and has it all scheduled out. Or use one of the other curricula that have an MOH schedule.


Since you are in the car a lot, consider audio books for history. MOH has an audio, other curric's do too.


We tried workboxes last year. DD loved it. I found that I didn't have the time to set them up every night. It was consuming too much of me/my time..


You can streamline--I don't change things out daily. Math has the same math book & rulers/supplies in it every day. LA, same thing--I alternate grammar & writing by the week, so I change it once a week. Science--book stays in drawer. History--book/supplies stay in drawers, and so on. If you don't do history daily, don't put that sticker up for the day, but keep the books in that box/drawer.


Maybe everything is fine how it is, but I feel odd only doing LA and Math.


I think you have to decide if softball, science, and music (plus a 5 yo in gymnastics etc...) take precedence over history and other things you'd like to do. If they do, then let something else go. If not, then one of those might need to go. In other words, pray through and decide your priorities, then see if you are following them. If you are, then don't worry about what you are not doing. If not, then decide what needs to change to fit in the things that are your priorities.


Merry :-)

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Have you ever checked out cozi. com? It' s a great free online planner to help you plan out the week. We started being on a time schedule last week and I can tell we are getting a lot more work done. We do one hr math, 15 min spelling, 30 min history reading, 15 min break, 1 hr Latin, 1 hr lunch, 30 min English/handwriting/30 min free reading/30 min Science and add in some Logic or copywork/journal/penpal writing/extra writing whenever it fits in best. That is my 6th grader's plan anyways. These time slots go by so fast and my son likes being driven by a schedule verses me driving him until he cannot do no more:)

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The constant coming and going drives me crazy too, but I do think it is important to keep each of my kids in their one chosen sport. DD11 is a talented softball player and is playing at a relatively competitive level. I can't take that away from her....well, I could, but I'm not willing to. She and I have already agreed to no science at the ps next year. It is very slow moving and she isn't get much out of it anyway. I also think music is important. I can't teach her trumpet or afford private lessons, so that is a must at the school. Show choir. Oy. She LOVES it....and I can see it being something she does for years to come. I hate the timing. HATE it. But it correlates with the end of the ps day.


DD5's gymnastics has to stay as well. She is a VERY naturally talented gymnast and is in an invitation only, fast track program. She loves gymnastics. DD11 is home during this time frame, however.


I do like the audio book idea, as well as maybe purchasing the memory cards or something that lays everything out for me better.


Our schedule is crazy, but do-able I think. I just need to do a better job of taking advantage of the hour we have here and there.

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It looks like you're over-extended. It's really all about priorities... If education is a priority, then think about how much time you need to educate your children and figure out when it's going to happen. You might need to reduce some of the activities in order to do it.


I'd start by ordering priorities: math? history? LA? Science at PS? Show choir? Foreign Language? Softball? Band? Can you eliminate anything?


Can your 11 yr old stay home while you're picking up other kids? If so, she should be able to get some independent work done then.


Are you willing to do schoolwork on Saturdays?


Do you school year round? Could you work on language arts and math during the school year, but focus heavily on history and other subjects in the summer?


Maybe everything is fine how it is, but I feel odd only doing LA and Math.

Keep in mind she's also doing science, music and PE. The only things you're missing is history... and a foreign language.

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