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New food banned at Halifax schools

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Several posters have talked about the negative reception by others in regards to severe allergies. Not just negative, but boarderline hostile. This is what concerns me.


How do they expect to enforce this kind of ban???


I was just having a conversation earlier w/ another mom about how some people just have absolutely no clue about boundaries. They do not consider where/when/if they are hurting others. They are only concerned about themselves.


Thankfully, IME, these people are in the minority, but in a whole school, there isn't one selfish parent that is not going to defy the rules and sneak something in?


And what about the child that is just being selfish and immature and doesn't understand what he is doing when he sneaks his favorite snack into his backpack or pocket?


How can they ensure this will not happen? That's what I don't understand about this ban. I read these articles, and it's as if the ban will solve everything, but I just don't see it. :confused: Do these bans really solve anything or do they create a false sense of security?


I like the idea of having epi-pens available just in case, for first time reactions. For those that know they need them, they should have them on them or on someone else who is always present.

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I agree. Epi-pens should ALWAYS be on hand in any school! There was a girl that died just recently because of a similar issue.


Seeing how most of my in-laws don't understand/"believe in" allergies, I can imagine most parents disregard these rules anyway. Like a family member who told me stuffing is gluten free-she didn't use any flour in it, just breadcrumbs! It's sad and terrible.

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