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Has anyone used a homeschool math curriculum called "Math on the Level"?


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I tried to do a search but it keeps coming up with EVERY post that contains "math" and "level"! (Is there a way to search for a specific order of words? Because this has happened to me before when I try to search for things on this board.)


Can anyone give any insight as to what this program is like? Thanks!

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It was in the curriculum dancing in my head post: Free Indeed




Well, here is another vote for Teaching the Trivium. You can see brief excerpts from the book to get a general idea if you will like it at http://www.triviumpursuit.com - sorry I don't know how to make pretty links!


For the early knowledge years ala Teaching the Trivium (they break it into Knowledge, wisdom and understanding as outlined in the Bible) -before age 10 we use Five in a row. Then we use a Mystery of History and SOTW combo and Apologia elementary - of course the little ones are listening in as their older brother is doing this. There is a new math curriculum that fits perfect with this philosophy it is called Math on the Level and you can find it here: http://www.mathonthelevel.com - although we have been using Singapore as this just came out. Hope this helps, and feel free to PM me if you want to discuss this further.


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I met the authors at the HEAV convention this past weekend. I got a look at the curriculum and it looks awesome. I love the way it is so flexible and how you, the parent, control how much practice is needed to master the concepts which topics to cover as well as when to introduce them. It is very homeschool friendly.


I, too, am using Singapore so have no experience to go by, but judging from what I saw and my loooong conversation with the authors, this curriculum looks great.



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