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2nd grade science?


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Can I get away without having a formal curriculum?


My plan was to do self-guided and utilize the library. But I'm not sure how overwhelming that would be. This will be our first year homeschooling.


My MIL and I have planned Science days once every two weeks - she is a former gifted & talented teacher and it is something she already does with my kids in the summer. This was actually put in place to set some boundaries but yet still include her in the homeschooling.


If you do use science readers at this age, what program do you use?

Edited by NotAVampireLvr
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We are using The Usborne First Encyclopedia of Science with my 2nd grader. We read 2 pages at a time and then do the internet linked activities, as well as the experiments. It was included in our MFW package.


I would guess it is on the "light" side, but is working well for us as new homeschoolers. I also find library books for our book basket that go along with the science topic we are studying.

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This is my 2nd time doing 2nd grade. I haven't used a formal science curriculum yet. We have followed science as laid out in WTM which is similar to the PP using the encyclopedia. Currently we do an experiment a week, journal about it, read about it from the encylopedia, and occasionally do the online activities. We also follow up on things that come up in other subjects like when we read about deserts in SOTW, we learned about them and did our narrations about that. Last week we learned about the diamond mines in Africa in SOTW, so we learned about how diamonds are made, grew crystals, read about crystals, then did an experiment making carbon from sugar. We also do a science fair once a year and utilize outside sciences classes and workshops when they are available at co-op, the zoo, or the library. And we have a pass to our science museum and zoo. I am very pleased with what we do.

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We are finishing up real science 4 kids and then going to get away from science curriculum. We have a great zoo not to far, and plan on doing a lot with that and do some nature studies. I too am hoping our kids really absorb this since they will be more interested.


I think your plan sounds really good.:)

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