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Guidance needed for 5th LA


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I've been scouring the threads all week, it's time to just post and ask.


I need a LA for my 5th grader, or reassurance about what we're doing.


It's our 2nd year hs'ing. He does not have a strong foundation in language arts. We did some CLE LA last year, and while I liked it, I don't think it was a good fit for him. He has retained nothing. I know this is a subject that builds, and it would take more than one year for results to show, so this is not a reflection on CLE. It's about finding the right fit for my son.


This year, we've been working through Intermediate Language Lessons. It's on the easy side. We have Writing Strands, but I have not been overly rigorous about it as I wanted to get the other subjects rolling well first. I want to tackle that more aggressively in January.


My choices:


Stay the course with ILL, start WS over (or something else?) from the beginning and just plug through. Start Analytical Grammar as a 6th Grader, continue through 8th grade.


Switch curriculums. I found an Easy Grammar 56 workbook at Half Price Books. I would need the TM for it. Not sure I like the looks of it, but w/out seeing the TM, I can't decide.


Here's where I'm hung up, and need the most advice. I am starting my 2nd grade dd in FLL2 and WWE2 in January. Would it be insulting to do them together-at that level? If he is able to pick it up quickly, could I move at a faster pace for him? Looking at it, I think it would be a good place for him to start. But where does that leave him over the next several years? I don't mind back-tracking now, and know that it will serve him well in the long run if that's what he needs. But i'd like him caught up by high school.



Edited by Mallorie
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My son uses Saxon Grammar and Writing 5. He is just doing the grammar portion of the program and is really enjoying it.


Yes, I forgot to list this one. I have looked at and considered this as well. I am repeatedly seeing that the grammar is used more frequently than the writing. Would I need to purchase the whole package regardless?

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I bought the whole package, but only because I thought the "workbook" was an actual workbook. It's not, it's actually the writing portion of the program (and some supplemental grammar More Practice exercises). As I say, I haven't used the writing portion, but it's not because it doesn't look good--it does--very basic, fine really--but I just don't want to go that route right now. I may use it over the summer as a Writer's Camp or something, where I can just focus on the writing, but I just don't want to stop the flow of the grammar program right now, as we are trying to find our groove, and it seems to be working. So, in answer to your question, no, you don't have to buy the whole program. The bulk of the grammar work is in the Student Text itself. My son writes his answers in a separate notebook, and it has not been a problem at all. Other than that, I have the Teacher's Manual, which has the answers to the grammar lessons, the tests, and the answers to the tests. You could get by with just those two books, IMO.





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You could do R&S (start at 5) and Write Strands or Classical Composition. I certainly would consider it and old edition of Write Source Handbook (for the 6th - 8th) to remediate without using materials that are at the 2nd grade level but covering the topics that you need.

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I ended my misery and just ordered the Hake set. As it had grammar, writing, vocab and spelling, I couldn't resist. I know most don't love the writing portion, but some do, so we'll see. My ds doesn't gravitate toward writing, so I just need to get the job done.

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