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Has this been discussed: Student privacy & Fed. Dept. of Ed.?

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How the feds are tracking your kid


Has this been discussed? It talks about how the Department of Education is basically circumventing federal law and setting up a situation that will do away with student privacy in certain instances. I haven't read anything about it other than this article so I am off to Google more, but FERPA is a big deal and I do not see how this would line up with those regs.


I would welcome any other information, thoughts, views, discussions on the topic.

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How the feds are tracking your kid


Has this been discussed? It talks about how the Department of Education is basically circumventing federal law and setting up a situation that will do away with student privacy in certain instances. I haven't read anything about it other than this article so I am off to Google more, but FERPA is a big deal and I do not see how this would line up with those regs.


I would welcome any other information, thoughts, views, discussions on the topic.

"Article: Not surprisingly, these proposed regulations provoked a firestorm of criticism. But on Dec. 2, the Department of Education rejected almost all the criticisms and released the regulations. As of Jan. 3, 2012, interstate and intergovernmental access to your child’s personal information will be practically unlimited. The federal government will have a de facto nationwide database of supposedly confidential student information.

The department says this won’t happen. If the states choose to link their data systems, it says, that’s their business, but “the federal government would not play a role” in operating the resulting megadatabase.

This denial is, to say the least, disingenuous. The department would have access to the data systems of each of the 50 states and would be allowed to share that data with anyone it chooses, as long as it uses the right language to justify the disclosure.


Right. Because we KNOW the government never oversteps its bounds and always keeps its word. Just like social security numbers would never, ever be used as identification, and like Census information is so "confidential" and will never be used against citizens (tell that to the Japanese who were routed from their homes and sent to concentration camps here in the U.S. during WW II).


We Americans are idiots for permitting the government to intrude into everything. We have no privacy left after the Patriot Act and it's even getting worse every single day.


Well, they won't have any childhood information on my kids anyway.

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Right. Because we KNOW the government never oversteps its bounds and always keeps its word. Just like social security numbers would never, ever be used as identification, and like Census information is so "confidential" and will never be used against citizens (tell that to the Japanese who were routed from their homes and sent to concentration camps here in the U.S. during WW II).


We Americans are idiots for permitting the government to intrude into everything. We have no privacy left after the Patriot Act and it's even getting worse every single day.


Well, they won't have any childhood information on my kids anyway.


:iagree:Yet another piece of news that supports my decision to homeschool.

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Right. Because we KNOW the government never oversteps its bounds and always keeps its word. Just like social security numbers would never, ever be used as identification, and like Census information is so "confidential" and will never be used against citizens (tell that to the Japanese who were routed from their homes and sent to concentration camps here in the U.S. during WW II).


We Americans are idiots for permitting the government to intrude into everything. We have no privacy left after the Patriot Act and it's even getting worse every single day.


Well, they won't have any childhood information on my kids anyway.


I *hate* it when the feds say it is the states choice to do any of these things. True, technically it is up to the states to share the information or not, but the states have to agree to the conditions or they don't get federal money. It is just like raising the drinking age and setting a speed limit, the states had a choice, but if they didn't do it, the feds didn't give them any highway money to the states. What kind of real choice is that??

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