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JAG question


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So you really not use anything until 4th or 5th grade then start using JAG? I am trying to decide what to do with ds for next year (2nd) Do you just informally teach grammar through writing/reading? If you do use something before JAG, what? I know ds will need another good year full of phonics next year and I don't want to over do his schedule! Would just informally teaching nouns, verbs, capital letter usage and punctuation be enough until we do JAG with him in 4th grade?

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We are another family waiting on formal grammar until 5th grade (and considering JAG among other programs). I teach mechanics and very basic grammar (nouns, verbs, complete sentences) as a part of spelling. My kids write using the writing process, so I also reinforce basic grammar as I help them to edit their writing.

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With my first we did very informal grammar until we started JAG in 4th grade. I use the definitions in FLL to teach him the definitions of nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We would identify a few of each in readings when he was younger. We focused on formulating a good sentence. I taught him that every sentence needed 2 things to be a complete sentence - a subject and a predicate. That was it until JAG and he did great!


With my second ds I am using GWG until JAG just because it is inexpensive, easy to implement and only takes 3-5 minutes a day. He is not a natural memorizer like his older brother so I think the repetition will help but I am confident that if I did the exact same thing I did with his older brother, he would be fine. JAG really is that well done. We are huge fans!

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