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How old are your teens that are job hunting?

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I'm not ready for my 14-year old to get a job although I worked at 12. Most places won't hire anyone younger than 16 and living in the country most regular teen jobs are taken by adults. So going to town costs mega dollars in gas. What age did your teens start looking for a job or working?

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MY 17yo is sort of half-heartedly talking about looking for work. I have not pushed it because she was preparing for her SAT but as she is taking that right now...next week is going to be a week of PUSH! Personally, I don't care if it is a paying job or volunteering - I just want her to get going with something.


My 15yo is not going to look this summer - it is very hard to find a job here at her age. She is more of a self-starter, so I expect that she will not need to be pushed when she is older.


14 seems young to me, but maybe that is because I know that available work for that age is limited. Until I was 17 the only work I did was baby-sitting, though, so my pov may be off here.

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MY 17yo is sort of half-heartedly talking about looking for work. I have not pushed it because she was preparing for her SAT but as she is taking that right now...next week is going to be a week of PUSH! Personally, I don't care if it is a paying job or volunteering - I just want her to get going with something.




How do kids have time now for jobs? I did practically no homework in high school and did fine. Didn't learn much I guess. I worked almost full-time, too. My ds has real academic goals he wants to accomplish (oh, to be young, smart, and type A) and I am encouraging him in these pursuits. I'm not sue he'll have time a job. Do kids mainly work during the summer?

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My kids have all worked some type of job starting @ 13. Right now my 16 and 18 year olds are cart pushers and my 19 yo is a vet nurse.


They have worked as farm laborers, stock boys, cashiers, deli counter, mother's helpers, baby sitting, garden help, pet sitting, and lawn care.

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How has the working environment been for them? My ds has his head on straight and is very responsible but I don't want him around people that do drugs or drink, yet. I see too many petulant teens working fast food. Ack. I really don't want my kid in that kind of environment. Maybe when he's 16 it won't be so alarming to me.

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