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Using itunes to manage 2 ipads...Reg?

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I'm pasting my question here and making a new thread so hopefully Reg or someone who knows what they are doing can help.


Reg - can you give me a quick overview of how you are managing apps and books. I have googled and looked at apple help but so far can't find instructions. I set up dd's new ipad in my itunes and it loaded all my books and all the apps on there automaticallly. I am going to do the ios update today while she's at Grandma's and I have some time to work.


I would like to have some music, books & apps on both devices and others on either hers or mine. I'm not sure how to accomplish this.


Also, I don't think my photos and videos from the ipad2 are backed up automatically. How are you managing those files? I would like to get them off the device and on to my computer either in itunes or some other way since they take up so much memory.


Do you use iallowance for itunes? I'm considering trying it for dd to buy books. I may end up having to use it for myself if I look to closely at my itunes bills for the last two months.:001_huh:

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I just got my iPad so I'm not certain, but if you use the iCloud feature then everything should be synced. You have to make sure it's installed on all devices and turned on (check) settings. I don't have it on my Mac yet because from what I can tell, I need to pay 30 for a software update app. I haven't tried it with music, but now if I get an app on my phone, it appears on my iPad.

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I posted this in the other thread, but I will repeat it here. These are the instructions for managing multiple iPads from a single iTunes installation. (If you want to do it with multiple iTunes like I do, then please refer to the other thread, post 18.)


1) Open iTunes and connect your iPad.

2) In the left pane, click on the name of your iPad in the 'DEVICES' section.

3) Notice at the top of the main pane the tabs: Summary, Info, Apps, Music, Movies, TV Shows, Books and Photos.

4) Click Apps.

5) Notice in the main pane that you can now see the layout of ALL of the pages of apps on your iPad on the right and a full is list of them on the left.

6) The main control is 'Sync Apps". I think you want this to be left on, as it will not sync anything if off.

7) Instead what you can do is simply check or uncheck which apps you want on your iPad. Once they are unchecked, I think you can delete them and they will not reappear.

8) Below the list of apps you have the option to 'Automatically sync new apps'. When this is checked, new apps will automatically get a check mark for this iPad. Otherwise, you will have to check them manually.

9) Finally, notice at the bottom of the page there is a section entitled "File Sharing'. You might find this particularly interesting, since it appears that you will be able to sync a set of Notability files between your iPad and your daughter's. (I haven't tried, but that's what it looks like...) You can tell it to share certain files on your computer with your iPad. I'm thinking if you share the *same* computer file on both your iPad and your daughter's iPad, that it will keep it synced between them. With iOS5, this can all be done wirelessly.

10) You can repeat this with the other tabs and also for your daughter's iPad to fully match your desires. Notice that I think this answers your question on how to sync photos. I don't see a tab for videos, even for DS12's iPad 2, so I'm not sure how to handle that. Perhaps they are covered by the 'Photos' settings?

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