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Feeling Overwhelmed...


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I understand. I only have one child, but we have all the issues you mention, together with the attention span of a mosquito! When it started to get especially difficult in third grade what I did was to, after a spell of time off to refresh ourselves, go over to Calvert/Verticy as a complete package.


I know that the 'boxed' solution never seems to get appreciated on this board, but it has freed me from the worry that I am not doing enough and I no longer have to choose curriculum or plan.


I have learnt that it is not so much what you use, but how you use it that determines whether something is a good fit or not. So I deliver the Calvert curriculum in a very hands on and flexible way to suit the way my daughter learns best.

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The secret, as told to me by one of the Calvert Education Counsellors, is not to even try to do it all, especially when starting off. There is a lot of extra material provided in case you need to reinforce something with a struggling learner, or some enrichment for an advanced learner. You are the expert on your child and know what they need.


For DD, this means short math lessons when she 'gets it', or one lesson spread over several days if it is troublesome. We skip art and she does craft work in her own free time. Science is something we spend more time on as it is more interesting to her, so we watch the Discovery Streaming and other on-line activities.

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