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CQLA problems with shipping?


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I really wanted to compare CQLA with GWG and http://WWW... so I ordered both last month on the 12th.

Well I've received GWG and WWW and am waiting for my CQLA to arrive so I can compare both programs.

I've left messages with Training For Triumph and emailed them 2 or 3 times now asking about my order.... no answer.

Has anyone had any issues with this company? Or has the family had some sort of problem in which they cannot send out orders or return calls etc?


I dont want to get all paranoid and cancel my order too soon but at this point I've spent a lot of money with this LA switch and I need to get GWG and WWW sent back SOON if we choose not to use it after looking at CQLA.

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I cant help but feel like calling and emailing them more at this point is just going to irritate them.

Then again I dont want to wait so long that I can no longer get a refund.


I don't think it will irritate them if you have not had a response. I would think they would be more on the mortified end based on her personality in our interactions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still no product or refund. I think I'm past the refund date on my credit card too....

I'm hesitant to buy from them ever again. I'm ordered Blue, pre a series. The manual that describes CQLA, as well as their spelling program. This order wasnt cheap.


Do I have any recourse this far out?

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Still no product or refund. I think I'm past the refund date on my credit card too....

I'm hesitant to buy from them ever again. I'm ordered Blue, pre a series. The manual that describes CQLA, as well as their spelling program. This order wasnt cheap.


Do I have any recourse this far out?


Keep calling and emailing them with the contact info you used that worked this last time around.

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I had some problems with this company several years ago. I placed an order, used the free samples, and then decided well within the time limit to return the product. It took weeks for them to process the return and communication wasn't very fluid. Eventually, I did get the refund so keep trying. With the holiday, maybe they are out of town and not readily available to email?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still no replies. I've even tried his cell phone number.

No curriculum was shipped and no refund in sight. I'm out $130.

My hubby is upset, I dont blame him. He's now saying no more curriculum unless its from a major publisher.



I just used their FB page to ask for the refund again. I'm just sick over this.

Edited by Mesa
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This is terrible! I feel so bad for you. I'm so sorry that this has happened. Is there any way to dispute it through paypal or something else. How did you pay? Can you inform the bank? I don't understand why a company would have such terrible practices as these...

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Did you try calling your Credit Card company? I know you said it was past your refund time, but I would try and explain the situation with them. I am sorry that you are having problems with them. FWIW, I would keep calling TFT.


ETA: I just saw that you posted on their FB page. That is exactly what I was going to suggest. I hope you hear something soon and get your money back.

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I cant believe this is a legit business after all of this... I really, really wanted to give CQLA a try after hearing it was similar to IEW. It sounded perfect!

Nope, I'm not going try this program in the future after my experience.

I'll stick with companies that actually ship out their products and who issue refunds when needed.

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