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Health insurance for dc over 18

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I am concerned about our oldest and health insurance. If he goes to school full time he can stay on our insurance. The thing is he only has until July 1 to get everything in to the school and I have told him that he needs to get everything done that he is running out of time and I have mentioned the insurance to him. His current job does not offer health insurance.


Is there any good, cheap health insurance out there just in case he doesn't get in the fall program and waits until the winter program starts?


Dh is off next week and I am going to get him to talk to him, to see if he can get things rolling. Ds does want to go to school, this is his decision, I just think he doesn't realize this is his doings not his parents any more!

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I just put my ds - 19 on our privately paid United Health Care policy. I had to get the policy for me and my two younger kids because dh's work policy was way too expensive. It is around $100 a month for my 19 year old. It has a $2500 deductable before it covers anything except ER visits - they are $100 if they aren't admitted. It doesn't really offer much, but after having my dd have two surgeries for breaking her ankle - I am not comfortable with no coverage. My ds is supposed to be heading to the military soon. I just got this for the in between time.

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Since you are in GA I would look at kaiser. When my friend got insurance for her son she got quotes from $69 a month- $167 depending on the amount if coverage. If he has no major health problems you really just want it for an emergency.


This would be another added expense for him, it might just get him motivated to get his butt moving!


He has no health issues, it would just be for an emergency

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