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Abeka vs Bju streaming with Learning Disablities

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I have a child who is severely dyslexic and has to learn but all 3 learning ways ( Seeing, hearing and touching) She is 8 and can only read short sentences. She isn't good with blends like Sp,sl etc. I also have a son who is 6 with severe verbal apraxia who is very smart but struggling to read because of speaking ability. He is a sight learner. I want to put themin video either Abeka or BJU. I want strong Phonics. Which one would be better on that part? I know the Abeka classroom =boring. BJU video= Homeschool friendly. I want to look past that. I need strong phonics and ready. I guess I'm looking for drill and master of the concepts.

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Well BJU is loads better than Abeka for that, because BJU is over the top engaging and interactive. Abeka is recorded classes of a teacher in front of kids, nothing else. So if you must do that, do BJU. But I'll tell you what you already know and say that OG is what you need. If you can't get it done yourself, you could contact the Scottish Rite people or find a tutor. You could do an awful lot of tutoring at $50 an hour for the cost of one kid with the BJU classes.


BTW, on that apraxia, have you looked at PROMPT? http://www.promptinstitute.com It has been amazing for my ds. We do that, flax oil (most people do fish), and enzymes from Houston when he gets into milk.

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Shari, you know what's funny? When we were talking reading comprehension (that skills stuff you were talking about, as opposed to fluency and decoding) with the neuropsych yesterday, I knew exactly what he was talking about, because it was stuff like that SQ3R BJU weaves into their reading and science curricula, the stuff we skipped, lol. So live and learn. :)

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I don't plan my kids to just go through the program and be reading perfectly at the end. I have decided I want to do Abeka mainly for the daily drill of phonics. I don't even expect them to keep up with language. But that's " extra" phonics I can't do. Math comes easy so no worries their. Also the Abeka class has other language development activities. My son is very very visual learner. He would love videos. But I'm still going to work with his reading. He sees a speech therapist 2x a week. She is doing the Kaufman approach. She is new to us but has been working with verbal apraxia and speech kids since 1982. She's wonderful. She also is sending us lots of homework and helping with reading.

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