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5 year old- attention span, listening and following directions

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Do you all have any ideas and/or advice on how I can help my son with his attention span, listening and skill of following directions? He goes to a classical school. His teacher said that he is incredibly obedient. He just does not do well with listening and following directions. He is not advanced in the area of communication. He was a bit of a late talker. He is now in speech therapy for a mild stutter. He has been evaluated by his speech therapy and there is no delay or signs of ADD/ADHD. :confused:

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Do you all have any ideas and/or advice on how I can help my son with his attention span, listening and skill of following directions? He goes to a classical school. His teacher said that he is incredibly obedient. He just does not do well with listening and following directions. He is not advanced in the area of communication. He was a bit of a late talker. He is now in speech therapy for a mild stutter. He has been evaluated by his speech therapy and there is no delay or signs of ADD/ADHD. :confused:


What works for my flighty (aka normal) DS5...


Get down on his level.


Get his full attention (I take his hand).


Look him in the eye.


Start with one simple instruction, then build to two or three. (Three parts to any set of instructions are the limit for my little one, and they must be simple.)


In other words, I must pay as much attention to delivering and enforcing the instruction as I expect him to pay to executing them.


Probably, just maturing a little bit will help. 5 year old boys aren't known for their attention spans when it comes to school work.




ETA: I also find that daily games of Mommy Says (similar to Simon Says ;) ) are helpful in building listening skills.

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