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Read aloud for Christmas


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Hi, I am new to HS'ing and still trying to figure things out. We are going on our 4th week, and I really have no idea if I'm doing it right. We have yet to add in Science and History, but are hopeful to get it in very soon. Anyway,is there a fun literature type read aloud book for Christmas? My boys are 8 and 10.

Also, is there a good web site for teaching how to write stories? We are using WWE 2 but it doesn't explain structure of a story (intro, conclusion, ect.).

Thanks so much for all the help! I feel like I am getting burnt out and I haven't even gotten into a good routine yet. I find myself just wanting to decorate my house for Christmas and do fun Christmas stuff with them :-). Any advice is welcome.

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Thanks so much for all the feedback. I added all to my reading list for Christmas and we just started the Best Christmas Pageant Ever last night. I also ordered the Lion in the Box on Amazon ( our library did not have it :-( so I am looking forward to all the new reads :-).

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T'was the Night Before Christmas poem - a classic


The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by Houghton


The first chapter has a sad ending. The book is a really great read-aloud. You can look at a sample at the page linked. We don't really care too much for Santa, but we like this book.


If you are a Christian read the parts of Matthew and Luke which talk about Jesus' birth.


The author of WWE doesn't believe in asking 2nd graders write original stories. I agre with her, so I can't help with story writing curriculum.


Have fun with Christmas!

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On the literary end, some kids could appreciate A Christmas Carol at that age. On the fun end, either The Day Santa Fell to Earth by Cornelia Funke or the ever classic The Best Christmas Pageant Ever are both enjoyable.


For fiction writing, maybe check out NanNoWriMo's excellent materials for kids. They're free, after all.

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Here's another recent thread with some additional Christmas read aloud suggestions.



ETA: The audio downloads at www.peacehillpress.com are really helpful. You would probably like: What Is Literary Analysis?, A Plan for Teaching Focus on Elementary Grades and Focus on Middle Grades. (These will explain *why* the author of WWE doesn't focus on creative story writing in the early years, as a previous poster mentioned.)

Edited by Luann in ID
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