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Those that combine VP and SOTW


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For those of you who combine: If you could only use one of the guides, which would it be? I am trying to simplify my life because I feel very scattered in planning. I feel that sometimes I complicate things when I jump around if I dont have to. So, what would your vote be and why--VP guide or SOTW activity guide?

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I would opt for the VP activities. I have found they aren't as complicated as some of the SOTW activities (no mummifying chickens!). Also, the SOTW had a lot of coloring pages which my kids don't enjoy doing, but if your kids enjoy coloring, that might be the way to go.

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I think it depends on the age of the child. We are combining this year for first and the VP guide is too much worksheet/writing for us at this point, but I could see wanting more of that if my child were older. There is more coloring in SOTW AG, the VP seems to be more sporadic with what they have for each section, whereas SOTW is more systematic. I would say 1-3 grade I would stick with SOTW, but 3-6 VP (3rd depending on the child). Also VP doesn't have regular mapping I don't think? So, that might be an issue...

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