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BUILD - a new system that I am using


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I am starting to use a new math system that I found here but I am tweaking it so that it meets our needs. Just wanted to share. So far, it's going really well.


Basically, the kids do 2 lessons each day (M-Th) in their Teaching Textbooks book and then 1/2 hour (or so) using BUILD at a different time of day, usually in the late afternoons. I started this because I had a lot of Right Start materials that were not getting used and I could never find to time to fit them in. Now, it's scheduled in each day and I rotate what is available in each basket each week to keep it fresh.


You can view what BUILD is on my blog.

Edited by fourcatmom
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Looks like a great way to make sure you get to some of those extras that don't necessarily need to form part of a structured lesson. I like it :) I just put a link on my blog so that i can come back to it later when we are planning and setting up for 2012.


Yes, that's what I thought as well. I have all these great materials but it seemed like I could never fit them in.

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I love that idea! Wish I had done something like that years ago.


My kids are older and it is still working for them. It's nice that they can do it independently and together. And there is still enough at their ages that I can incorporate into the boxes. It is really helping my 4th grader with Math, as she is playing more games and working on activities without if feeling like just more Math. :001_smile:


By offering different activities in the baskets, they get to choose what they want to do for that time period on that day.

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