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Joy Hakim's "Story of Science" for a 6yo?

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Have you checked your library? Our public library has this series. (Gotta love saving $$ through the library!;)) I checked it out to see what it was like and decided it was too soon for ds (who is 6). I set it by the door to return on my next trip out, and ds saw it. He wouldn't part with it for 3 weeks. I think he mostly jumped around and read sections that interested him, but his understanding was very good. Just thought I'd mention that--sometimes our kids can surprise us!

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Have you checked your library? Our public library has this series. (Gotta love saving $$ through the library!;)) I checked it out to see what it was like and decided it was too soon for ds (who is 6). I set it by the door to return on my next trip out, and ds saw it. He wouldn't part with it for 3 weeks. I think he mostly jumped around and read sections that interested him, but his understanding was very good. Just thought I'd mention that--sometimes our kids can surprise us!


:iagree: A friend's 6yo was easily able to read and understand the series on his own when she didn't expect him to. My DS, 7 at the time, might have been able to but had no wish to read the books. He still doesn't want to at 9.


I don't see any harm in trying. And if doesn't work you know there's a good series waiting for your child when your child is ready. :001_smile:

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Agreeing with the others that for most gifted 6 year olds, it would still be a stretch. My science and history nut 10 year old still isn't fully engaged with it and asked to put it aside a couple of months ago.


But if you can get a copy and try it, you never know. The whole thing about kids like this is they're different, and different from each other, so the only way to know for sure is to try it, though I wouldn't really count on it being a good fit just yet.

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Thanks for the help! I looked at the sample chapter, and don't think it would _grab_ Button even if he understood it ... it had not entered my mind to check the library :lol: so thanks for that hint; we have a terrific loan program so I can prob. get my hands on it. I think I'll request the first book and take a look at it; but may bypass this for now.

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