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National Geographic- is it "sanitized"?

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Just a short background...each and every day the kid & I watch some Netflix related to whatever area of concentration is "on" for the day...be it history...science..some "topic" or other...


Today, we watched a Nat Geo on Egypt, took notes - got to the library, picked up some more scholarly books...and I was struck by the contents. To put it nicely, it's pretty gory stuff.


Now in Nat Geo flicks, upon comparison of content...does anyone out there feel they (the films, documentaries) are sanitized...made a bit clinical..on purpose?


Is there an agenda, or is it lack of time, editing..what? I'm not saying they are "bad/low quality" by any shot, but geez...they seem to skip a few significant details now and then when compared to the journalistic and academic records.


What do you think?

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they seem to skip a few significant details now and then when compared to the journalistic and academic records.


What do you think?


I think journalists have one set of goals and those publishing in academic journals have another. The mission of National Geographic is to increase and diffuse geographical knowledge and to inspire people to care about the planet (this is a paraphrase from their mission statement on the website). So rather than try to get every detail, research new fields, aid researchers, etc, they are really trying to stimulate interest and knowledge.


I love National Geographic, but it's not a substitute for more scholarly books, if that's what you need.

Edited by Danestress
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