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The INTJ diet

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Do you think I should sell it? I firmly believe that many diets (as in many ways of eating) can work, if they cause you just to eat less. What goes on in your mind is more important to success.


I am following the NoS diet, but I've tried it before with no luck. This time I have a mantra to go with it, and it makes all the difference. As I contemplate a biscuit or a piece of chocolate, the mantra goes: 'Would I rather have the chocolate or get slimmer?' That's the kind of thinking that works for me: concrete goals (there's a woman at choir who looks how I want to look in five years time) with a clear path to attain them and reasoned - rather than blind - adherence. I'm already physically active, so I don't need to change that.


I'm not weighing myself - success on the scales has made me blow many a diet in the past - I'm just starting to feel more comfortable in my clothes.



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