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R&S vs. Analytical Grammar


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watched the videos on the AG site? I found them to be a comprehensive overview of the program. I haven't used it but it looks quite user friendly.


We own a few levels of R&S English and it is quite thorough with a good amount of repetition year-to-year, as you would expect from a textbook. It is concise and thorough with a hefty bit of diagramming at every level I have seen (3-6). You would have to look carefully at which year to choose for your student as each level assumes basic retention of the last or equal grammar skills. You can see the TOC and samples of R&S books here:





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In a way they are not really comparable. Does your student need lots of repetition? definitely go for Rod and Staff, but it will take up time, day after day, year after year. Its very thorough and its a very solid program. My kids pick up grammar pretty easily and Rod and Staff was going to kill them (apparently- we did a year of it and they never stopped complaining) so I went for the AG. It means I get to make up my own LA program from bits and pieces and emphasise different things at different times. I like to emphasise grammar and use AG for a while, then put grammar on the backburner and emphasise something else. That helps us fit everything in. Although, I do use AG differently from how it is set up- rather than use the revision books, we tend to do the program more slowly.

It will also depend on the age of your child. My 12 is not quite ready for AG yet...literally due to the size of the print, not the actual work. He cant write that small yet, he has handwriting issues. So he will start the program later and move through it more quickly.

It sounds like Rod and Staff may be more what you need though.

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