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what are your favorite SOTW vol2 living history books?

Guest ebwhite2

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Guest ebwhite2

we are wrapping up our first year with SOTW and have loved it! we have learned so much! I was able this year to handle the back and forth of the library for the extra books suggested in the AG. however, this coming year we will have a new baby - on top of 3 other kids - so I am rethinking my plan.


I have purchased (used and free on Kindle) some of the Oak Meadow and Ambleside suggested "classic" books to RA - and would like to do the same for the SOTW Vol 2 suggested books. it will save me tons of time and hassle this year. however, there are so many suggestions in the AG, so I was hoping for your help!


can you recommend or remember some of your MOST favorite living books from this volume? I could spend hours reading reviews on amazon.com, but would rather glean from your experience!


I can't wait to see what you all recommend. thanks!

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My almost 8yo ds has enjoyed these.....


Favorite Medieval Tales by Osborne

Viking Adventures by Bulla

Leif the Lucky by D'Aulaire

The Whipping Boy

The Reluctant Dragon

Castle Diary

Saint George and the Dragon by Hodges

The Adventures of Robin Hood by McSpadden

Joan of Arc by Stanley

Columbus by D'Aulaire



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We are just starting year 2 but getting to the library is difficult for us because of work schedules. Dh and I have our own business and we actually do school at the office. Sometimes we're here from 9 to 9! I have found that the best option for me is to search & reserve online and then just pick up the books when I'm alone instead of making it a trip every week. If your library has this option you might consider it. I actually have two different libraries within a few miles and between the two of them I can find most books I need. I plan to stop by each one when I'm near there for other errands and only make a trip with dd every few weeks for her to load up on books she picks. Since the books are already on hold it only takes a few minutes. It's a lot easier for me to find time to search on the computer than to go to it there.

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