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2E testing - "WISC Integrated" - any experience?


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It sounds like this is an alternate version of the WISC, perhaps a new product. Has anyone had this done? Any comments? I just read a bit about it in the GDC newsletter and thought it sounded interesting:


Should a child struggle with the Block Design subtest on the core battery, the Integrated allows an examiner to delve deeper. What happens if the motor component is removed (Block Design Multiple Choice) or if the child has additional visual support (Block Design Process Approach)? If a child does poorly on Coding, a practitioner is able to check the child's visual memory (Coding Recall) or look at handwriting speed without the need for vertical eye tracking (Coding Copy). Similarly, children who struggle with the short-term auditory memory task of Digit Span Forward are able to demonstrate their memory abilities with visual (Visual Digit Span) or spatial (Spatial Span) information instead. Those who score lower on the Verbal Comprehension section of the WISC-IV can have those subtests re-administered in a multiple choice format to see what impact, if any, is derived from requiring less expressive language - recognizing a word meaning rather than recalling it. In the vocabulary area, a child is able to alternately find a picture that captures a word's meaning (Picture Vocabulary). The area of mathematical reasoning can also be explored in greater depth - removing the timed component or the language component in the Arithmetic Subtest.


The information gained from administering some of the subtests in the WISC-IV Integrated can then be used to design accommodations that might help a child be more successful in school. For example, if students are more able to use their visual than auditory memory, assignments and directions can be provided in writing, visual input can be added to lectures, and parents can communicate chore lists visually. If handwriting speed is not a weakness when vertical eye tracking is removed, teachers can be asked to not require the student to copy from the board. We need to do all we can to help children who are considered twice exceptional better understand the ways they learn best, to view themselves from their strengths, and optimize their abilities to use their gifted minds.

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