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Guttate Psorasis- Anyone

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My eldest dd (20) has been dealing with this since she was about 12 after a strep infection. Her initial outbreak was fairly severe-covered her entire back, arms, much of her legs, and a bit on the face and scalp. Thankfully, hers has never really been itchy or painful, just unsightly and unpleasant to live with.


At that time, we ran the gamut of prescription creams and ointments . . . one for general skin, one for the face, and another for the scalp, plus special shampoo. They helped and she always did better when she used them than when she slacked, but she got tired of messing with it. Our other option was pills/shot? but they won't do it for children because of fertility side effects. When it had cleared enough that she was no longer seriously bothered by the appearance, she stopped using the meds and it eventually cleared except for a few small, resistent spots.


Over the years, she has had a few flare-ups that seem to correlate with times of high stress. This past summer she was working and prepping for a semester abroad along with taking several summer classes; she had quite a flare. She didn't want to mess with docs, so we got an ointment from the Natural Food Center called Psoriaflora. It has helped as much as any prescrip. cream she's tried, and it gives her good results-reduces thickness, redness, and scaling. Now that life has settled down again, it is looking better.

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