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Moving in the middle of orthodontic treatment?

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Any stories, here? Help?


I"ve got two children in treatment. One is paid for ... but his treatment is not finished. I don't know yet if I will get any money back from the ortho for not having his treatment finished ... and I don't know how much longer he has to go/how much we'll need to pay a new ortho.


The second one is not is far in his treatment, and is only half paid for at the current ortho.


They are seen every three months. For those of you who have done this, how much of a PITA is it to change orthos in the middle of treatment? Did you feel you ended up paying *more* money than you otherwise would have? Would it be worth it to just drive back here every three months to complete the current treatment?

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We thought we were moving in the middle of treatment, then didn't. I had all ready asked the orthodontist about it. He said that there is a formula that all orthodontists use to help work it out. We thought we might again and haven't yet(dd is only in retainer at night now). He said he would help us find one if we did move. He made it seem like it isn't any big deal at all.


I'd talk to you orthodontist and see what he says.


Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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We moved midway through treatment with son who is now 18. The ortho helped us find a new ortho here in AR (they have a book of all orthos listed by state) and had his records sent ahead and an appointment scheduled before we left Maine. We, too, had paid for his treatment up front so they gave us a refund check to take with us to the new ortho.

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Huh. I've already spoken to our ortho ... he gave me the names of the appliances my kids use, and wished me luck finding a new one. :glare:


Looks like I will need to call the office and demand some better service!


I'm mainly very concerned that we'll end up paying more money this way, in the long run.

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Although we ended up not moving until dd had finished her expander stage, we had asked, and our ortho also said that if we were making payments, we would just pick those up with the new ortho, and if we had paid in advance we would get a refund. We are supposed to move into phase 2, and did an initial consult with an ortho here then called my old one to compare prices, and apparently the new one's price is better. So, pricing may be a regional issue too. As far as driving, that would depend on how far of a drive it is. (Did I miss that in a post?)


Oh, and I do remember our ortho saying we wanted to find one that uses similar techniques, but I'm guessing if yours gave you the name of the appliances then that would be all you would need when talking to a new one. Luckily, they all seem to give free consults.

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