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If your child wanted a lap loom...

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My 12 year old got the Hearthsong one 2-3 years ago, and has done lots of projects with it. She still uses it from time to time, and might be close to outgrowing it if she did more weaving, but she does more knitting and is learning to crochet. As far as refills, she just uses regular yarn of varying thicknesses, though she does find the thicker yarns work best. Hobby Lobby, and even Wal-Mart usually have plenty for her to choose from.

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Has your daughter done any weaving before? Try making a cardboard loom or using a potholder loom if not. Then this is an excellent upgrade. You may want to see if a local yarn/knitting shop carries them as they may offer free advice and lessons (sometimes free, usually not). That is also a great place to buy refill supplies.

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