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My Neanderthal husband won't use a band-aid...

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My husband refuses to use bandages either....but being a nurse I have to get on my soapbox for a moment. The purpose of a bandage is to keep the wound clean and MOIST. Wounds need to be moist to heal properly. I would wash with soap and water, apply some kind of antibacterial ointment and a bandage twice a day till itis no longer open. This is what I do for my kids and teach my patients (I'm a home health nurse) I actually scratched up my hand once and tried doing one part like that and the other just kept clean. The bandaged part healed much quicker and didn't scar. All that being said my husband thinks it's all ridiculous lol

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He suggested the thread title. :D


Ok, so he's got a couple of small cuts on the palm-side of his fingers, but they're deep. I suggested he put some Neosporin and a band-aid on them, to help them heal faster.


"I've been putting Neosporin on them," he says. :confused:


Um...what's the point in that w/out a band-aid to hold it on?


"It doesn't just fall off," he says. By now I'm getting a man-logic-headache.


He says it's only the band-aid commercials that say you need a band-aid, too, & the Neosporin commercials say it works on its own. I say you've got to be a lunatic to put anything on your hands & expect it not to wipe off if you're USING them. :glare:


He believes you guys, though, so tell me: IS there any point in using Neosporin alone? And can I have permission to put mayo on my hands and then hold his while we're driving somewhere? Because the Neosporing makes THAT MUCH SENSE!! :lol:


Thanks for humoring us. :svengo:


On my hands I won't bandaids either. They just fall off. I like to use liquid bandaids during the day and then before I go to bed I treat with ointment.


With liquid bandaids cuts on my hands heal faster than conventional bandaids and ointment.

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